October 3, 2021

(1666) Компания Vandome, Titford and Co. Лондон

Гири и весы Великобритании- https://teletype.in/@funtofil/18378.html

История компанииhttps://www.gracesguide.co.uk/Vandome,_Titford_and_Co

С 1922 Merged with David Hart and Co to become Vandome and Hart.

Коромысло весов в викторианском стиле от Vandome, Titford & Co.

A Victorian cast iron balance by Vandome Titford & Co.

Ex Port of London Authority

the beam with an overscrolled hook to each terminus centrally pivoted on a hanging bracket and bearing the painted lettering "P.L.A,

Vandome Titford & Co. Ltd. 5/7 St. Mary Axe" (to the reverse "London EC") ... "To weigh xxCWT"

Acquired from the Reserve Collection of The Museum of London ... there are a number of these available.

A search into names applied to weights and measures reveals the following about Vandome Titford & Co:

Vandome Titford & Co (later Vandome & Hart) trace their beginnings to 1660, when Samuel Freeman, a blacksmith and scalemaker,

operating from 117 Leadenhall Street, supplied scales to the Bank of England which they continued for over 200 years.

The business was taken over by William New around 1780. Richard Vandome (of a French Huguenot family) served his apprenticeship with New,

subsequently taking over the firm. He was made free in 1781. Shortly afterwards he acquired the long-established business of S. Read,

and the firm became known as R.Vandome. There were many subsequent changes of name. Vandome's nephew William Titford suceeded him.

The firm merged with that of Hart in 1930, and was eventually taken over by Herbert and Sons in 1995. In 1914 "Whitakers Red Book of Commerce,

Who's Who in Business" lists their specialities as follows: "bankers' scales, scales for tea tasters, wrought iron weighing machines for docks and wharves,

large beam scales. Bankers' scales are a prominent feature".

Коромысло весов в викторианском стиле. Маркировка R. Vandome, Titford & Co. LONDON

Весы равноплечие. Маркировка -  Vandome, Titford & Co. Ltd  LONDON  Фото из Инета

Весы почтовые. Маркировка -  Vandome, Titford & Co. Ltd  LONDON Фото из Инета

Весы почтовые. Маркировка -  Vandomes (Vandome,Titford & Co. Ltd  LONDON  Фото из Инета

Весы аптекарские. Маркировка - R. Vandome, Titford & CoR. Vandome Titford & Co., steel apothecary scales

Весы аптекарские. Маркировка - R. Vandome, Titford & Co

Весы ювелирные. Маркировка - R. Vandome, Titford & Co

Весы для взвешивания чая при заварке. Маркировка - R. Vandome, Titford & Co

Весы для взвешивания чая при заварке. Маркировка - R. Vandome, Titford & Co

Весы для взвешивания чая при заварке. Маркировка - R. Vandome, Titford & Co