January 29, 2022

(1817) Компания Cornelius Knudsen (Корнелиус Кнудсен) Copenhagen, Denmark. Копенгаген. Дания

Весы и гири Данииhttps://teletype.in/@funtofil/630314.html

Весы системы Роберваля до 2-х КГ.  Маркировка - Cornelius Knudsens Etablissement Kjøbenhavn.  Копенгаген. Фото из Инета

Весы системы Роберваля до 2-х КГ.  Маркировка - Corn(elius) Knudsen  Kjøbenhavn.  Копенгаген. Фото из Инета

Пурка (хлебные весы). Клеймо - Cornelius Knudsen  Kjøbenhavn.  Копенгаген.  Фото из Инета

Пурка. Фирма Cornelius Knudsen. Фото из Инета.

Cornelius Knudsen was a manufacturer of scientific instruments based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The company gained an international reputation and its instruments were used on a number of polar expeditions.
Knudsen's son Theodor Valdemar Cornelius Knudsen (1844-) served as a cadet on the corvetette Heimdal in 1860.
He formed a friendship with Prince Wilhelm, the later George I of Greece, who also served as a cadet on the ship. Back on land,
he initially worked in his father's workshop and then attended classes at the College of Advanced Technology.
He headed the family firm from 1870 and continued it alone after his father's death. On 27 May 1884, he changed his last name to Cornelius-Knudsen.
Cornelius-Knudsen's sons Aage Cornelius Knudsen (1879-) and Jens Cornelius Knudsen (1885-) were assistant directors from 1905 and 1908.
The company was in 1950 owned by Anna Cornelius-Knudsen (1909-).