November 10, 2021

Skywin bed tent

Are there installation instructions available for the sky win system?

When you were a kid it was almost impossible to get any sleep in the summertime. With all of your friends out playing games until the sun went down, there was no way that you could fall asleep with them outside having fun. Now, though, things are different and kids can actually enjoy themselves without disturbing anyone else's sleep. The Skywin bed tent is perfect for allowing your children to have their fun while giving them shelter from bugs and other elements at night time. It will allow everyone in the family to go back to enjoying summer again!

 How much weight can hold skywin bed tent?

This bed tent can hold up to 150 kg.

What is a skin bed tent?

 A Skywin bed tent is a uniquely designed sleeping enclosure that allows you to attach the Skywin bed tent to your existing bed, making it more fun and safe for your kids to sleep in their beds! Even better, if you have 2 or more children sharing a room this quick and easy solution also divides the space giving each child their own space.

What features does a skin bed tent have?

The Bed Tent has a small front window with a roll-down cover for easy access from underneath the bed. It comes complete with poles, legs, and pegs just like a regular tent. The Skywin bed tent is designed to fit on any twin-size mattress, not just one with metal framing.

How does a sky win work?

For many who have been to fairs and carnivals, sky win is an attraction where the participant will be pulled up a few meters using a whirling roundabout. It is then released from that point into free fall until the person hits the bottom of the ride. A contraption that would not always lead to a good experience for some especially those who are afraid of heights. In most cases, they end up getting sick from all the jerking motion as well as the fear of falling out on their own accord. Even though currently there have been improvements to this design, people still do not want to go near these devices due to their discomfort level and possible accidents resulting from any malfunctions of the electric or hydraulic systems.

What are the benefits of the usage of Skywin Bed Tent over traditional tents?

Skywin Bed Tent is a type of tent that can be used both indoors and outdoors. It grants privacy when in use, gives off no noise when in operation, and enhances the experience of sleeping with a communal campfire.

How is Skywin Bed Tent superior to traditional tents?

Traditional tents are only fit for outdoor usage. They make a lot of noise while setting up or taking down, due to flapping fabric parts from wind resistance, and require extra time from setup to takedown. In addition, they may not protect themselves from cold weather well due to their porous material nature. Skywin bed tent on the other hand is fit for indoor AND outdoor usage.  It makes less noise during setup or takedown, due to its compatibility with tall ceiling height.  It can also protect you from cold weather by allowing air convection inside the tent through open zippered tunnels.


The Skywin bed tent is a perfect choice for your next camping trip. This sturdy, waterproof and UV-resistant tent will protect you from the elements while you sleep so that you can enjoy more of nature's beautiful views in the morning without worrying about rain or sunburns. You'll also get to experience uninterrupted sleep with this product because it blocks light and sound - perfect for those who live near noisy neighbors! If none of these features interest you but want something similar, we offer other types of tents designed specifically for sleeping outdoors. Check out our catalogue today to find one that suits your needs best! Furniturepik