Test: the "Offensive" prototype
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Let's start checking the prototype's operation. Let's take almost the same test composition as when checking the Maneuverability prototype.
Let's start by checking the properties with tank armor.
Surprisingly, I thought that the prototype test would be very simple, but I ran into the problem that it is very difficult to catch this increase in incoming damage, and most importantly, it is difficult to understand at what point in time the prototype starts working, since there is no animation and some additional markers of work.
I have conducted and recorded about 15 different test fights, and not one by one can I say exactly how the prototype works.
Let's take the simplest test. Two tanks (the tank on the right with the prototype Offensive).
To calculate the timing of the prototype, let's take time 2-34 with damage of 466 units as the point of the report, let's assume that this is the end time of the prototype. Then 466+25%+35%=(466+116,5)+35%=582,5+203,875=786,375 that is, the 787 is just a marker of the prototype's work. We count down 4s. we get 2-38 (39) and see that for 2-40 damage, just 466.
Then if we analyze the table, we see that the prototype starts working from the 6th battle (damage 11315 for the 5th battle, if you count the bonuses, you get 19096 - a marker for increasing damage), CD 8c, which converges with the damage we calculated for 2-38c.
Yes, it's been a long time since I've been so steamed up with calculating damage and time. I looked at other fights, and yes, the prototype really works according to the description and how I calculated the time of operation.
My opinion is that in this version, the prototype does not look very strong, I would even say weakly. The activation time is too late, not every fighter lives up to the 6th day of the battle.
We are looking at a prototype with chemical armor.
The projectile is launched at 3s of battle, and if it hits a tank (which is not running very fast) that is, there is a chance to hook the chemists of the first line.
And now attention to the question: where did 44,000 net damage go???
An officer without weapons, colossi and supplies. Fighters with the simplest weapons, without prototypes, and so on. Where did the damage go? Also, health decreased by 25% exactly, not by 30%
After 3.5 seconds, corrosion damage to chemists is applied again, the initial HP of chemists is 150915, 25% of this number is 37728. So 661287-37728= 623559 agrees with what our squad counter shows
Next, the prototype works again in 3.5s.. It works in 3.5-4s every time.
In principle, a good property, if it were guaranteed to work according to chemists, and so again random.
Well, in the end, let's look at the arrow armor.
On the 3rd day of the battle, the shooter sends the opponents to the field (animation of the prototype)
If the projectile hits the tank, it does not reach the chemists, and if it hits the chemists, then there is a chance to reach the shooter.
Rigor mortis is animated as a blue haze around the negativity-prone fighters.
Re-triggering at 10(11c) of the battle CD 7(8)s, if the projectile freezes, it turns blue.
In the screenshot, we see that the projectile hits the chemists both times, only in one case it causes chemical damage, and in the other it is red in the amount of 112000 ... In fairness, I must say that it is displayed as clean in the blogs, but why is red in battle, some developers know, but why again 112000 and not 160,000? Where is the other 30% damage?
To sum up, this is clearly not something that needs to be pulled in the first place. Not even because of the benefit of harm, and then what works is not clear how ((( To get this For 36 boxes.. I'm upset. If I made a mistake somewhere in my calculations, please tell me so that I don't make mistakes in the future.
P.S. Translated using Yandex translation
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