December 5, 2022

Ziesha Network

Ничего особенного, это Zeeka Network, но так как у них взломали аккаунт в твиттере они переименовались, сейчас проходит вознаграждаемый тестнет, также можно запустить майнера и присоединиться к пулу. Хз,будет ли большой профит, но явно лучше Aleo по-моему мнению




Active version incentive Tetnet run 21.11.22 !

Zeeka (ℤ) is a cryptocurrency that aims to create a lightweight and scalable blockchain with extensive use of zero-knowledge proof technology.

Zeeka offers a new concept called Zero Contracts. Zero contracts are the equivalent of smart contracts in some major blockchain systems such as Ethereum. These contracts will be expressed as mathematical constraints instead of virtual machine byte codes, such as the Ethereum virtual machine.

Zeeka will incorporate concepts previously used as privacy layer or L2 solutions in other chains into the core of the new blockchain, aiming to create a more scalable network with better privacy.

At this point, it is possible to help the project in-house. There are 3 forms to fill out:

1. Server Preparation

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install wget jq git libssl-dev cmake -y

2.Install Rust

. <(wget -qO-

3.Clone a repository with a node

git clone

4.Перейти в папку bazuka,компиляция и установка

cd bazuka && cargo install --path

View software bazuka

/root/bazuka/target/release/bazuka -h

5.Initialize a node

bazuka init --listen --db ~/.bazuka --network groth --external --bootstrap --mnemonic "<mnemonic>"

6.Create a service file

sudo tee <<EOF >/dev/null /etc/systemd/system/zeeka.service
Description=Zeeka node

ExecStart=`RUST_LOG=info which bazuka` node start --discord-handle <discord_handle> 


7.Run the service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable zeeka
sudo systemctl restart zeeka

Add a command to view the log of a node in the system as a variable

. <(wget -qO- -n zeeka_log -v "sudo journalctl -fn 100 -u zeeka" -a

View logs


Copy the data to a safe place!!!

Delete a node

systemctl stop zeeka zoro uzi
systemctl disable zeeka zoro uzi
rm -rf /root/bazuka
rm -rf /root/.bazuka-debug
rm -rf /root/zoro
rm -rf /root/uzi
rm ~/.bazuka.yaml

Update version

rm ~/.bazuka.yaml
sudo systemctl stop zeeka 
cd bazuka
git pull origin master
cargo install --path

Useful Commands

bazuka deposit Deposit funds to a Zero-Contract

bazuka help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

bazuka init Initialize node/wallet

bazuka node Run node

bazuka rsend Send funds through a regular-transaction

bazuka node status Get status of a node

bazuka withdraw Withdraw funds from a Zero-Contract

bazuka zsend Send funds through a zero-transaction