January 21, 2021

How to Write an Executive Summary for Your Business Proposal

Your Executive Summary is not merely just a summary statement describing your proposal (talk about a misnomer!). It is an opportunity for you to knock the readers’ socks off with a mini story of who your company is, your solution to the prospective client’s problem, and the benefits of that solution. Emphasis on the word “story”.

Here are the top 03 ways to structure your Executive Summary For Your Business Proposal:

  • Make it a narrative, NOT a statement. Instead of just stating the obvious, open the beginning of your proposal with an Executive Summary that is compelling and invites the reader into the narrative of the proposal. Write to the readers, not at them.
  • Craft a capability profile, not a summary. Your Executive Summary is not simply a summary. The proposal readers are evaluating your proposal as soon as they begin reading. They will read the full proposal anyway, so it is best to present your company’s strengths as a potential partner in the Executive Summary with a solutions overview and proof points.
  • Emphasize the customer first, then yourself. Remember that you are writing the proposal to a prospective client. Introduce your understanding of the client’s needs first before you go into the narrative about why your company is the best choice.