September 2, 2024

Guide on how to connect Cornix WEB

1. Go to and complete the registration process

2. Select an exchange from the list, please note that only futures/derivatives should be selected.

3. You can use the quick connect or enter the API manually as shown here <

4. After connecting the API, select "Follow a Group"

5. Click on Get UUID (Cornix unique identifier) then click on "Give me a UUID" and follow the link.

6. You will be redirected to the Telegram bot @cornix_trading_bot after that press the button "connect telegram".

7. You will be redirected back to the site where you need click connect, a pop-up window will appear where you need to click “get code” this code will come to take it and enter it here.

8. Select “My Bots” from the menu bar then click "Create Bot" as shown in the screenshot.

9. Choose a risk percentage between 1-5% to trade, by default the bot will use 2% in trade. Then click "Create Bot"

10. Now click “Create and Activate” That's all, the bot is ready to work.

>> Wish you lucky trading <<