December 2, 2020

When you’re a Mom if a toddler

When you’re a Mom if a toddler, most of the time your energy levels are low 😩... this supplement has help me a LOT! and the best part is ORGANIC! 👍🏽💪🏽

Candles create an atmosphere of calm and zen. It has been said just gazing at the flame can instantly relieve you of stress. This is what's makes candles so great during mediation, however if you're not into meditating just lighting a beautiful candle and placing it in a safe place where you can see it is enough to bring about a sense of peace #danabol rendelés

Fast forward 12 years... I learned only I could heal myself... pills weren’t the answer and I had to address more than just symptoms 💯 I had to unlearn and relearn.⁣⁣

As Jeremy Riddle puts it: "Every dream has a process and a price tag. Those who embrace the process and pay the price, live the dream. Those who don't, just dream."⁠

You set an action plan and priorities. You combine tasks into groups according to what they concern. Do not forget about the list of waiting tasks (delegated to another person) and dreams.