August 23, 2021

EAC 5.1.0 Bypass [DBD Cheat Engine PROOF]

Hi! In this video, we will bypass the new version of Easy Anti Cheat (EAC) and open paid skins on Dead by Daylight (DBD) Bypass download link: #EAC #DBD #BYPASS I will not give a. pak file from the video, since this is a cheat. You can find this file on the internet and it will work with my bypass. Script for cheat engine: sig = "32 C0 40 84 ED 48 8B AC 24" flags = "+X-W-C" result = AOBScan(sig, flags) if result.Count ~= 1 then messageDialog("Invalid signature", mtError, mbOK) else local op = getAddress(result[0]) + 0x0D if readBytes(op) ~= 0x75 then messageDialog("Unexcepted instruction", mtError, mbOK) else writeBytes(op, 0xEB, 0x32) messageDialog("Game has been patched!", mtInformation, mbOK) end end result.destroy() Please support my channel with a like! I don't get any money from this video.