September 30, 2020

Brands Welcoming Mixed Reality with Open Hands

When you ask someone, “What time is it?” most people would double-tap their phones to check the time, and the chances of them looking into their watches are relatively low. It is no surprise why they do that, given the rise of digital transformation observed in our daily lives. As the whole world looks forward to digitalization, brands are quickly adapting themselves to the ever-growing trends brought by the fast-moving world.

One such notable trend increasing across multiple industries are the advances in AR (Augmented reality) technology. Today, brands are leveraging the capabilities of AR in their campaigns to bring their products to life.

Brands ready to implement AR (Augmented Reality)

The standard answer to that question is a big no! Luckily, there’s plenty of time left for brands to fasten their saddles for the journey of one of the grandest digital upheavals of all time. Several studies suggest that most of the world’s prominent tech leaders, including Microsoft, Snapchat, Samsung, Apple, Intel, and Facebook, are on the verge of welcoming mixed reality (MR) in the upcoming years by building affordable devices and making them available to their customers.

What is Mixed Reality?

Mixed reality is a combination of real-world and physical world elements. Using mixed reality, one can interact and manipulate both physical and digital items in their environment. Mixed reality can be achieved by state-of-art imaging and sensing technologies using headsets, which allow us to see and get into the world around us and even interact with a virtual environment using our hands.

AR with innovative technology equips us with the ability to be present both in the real world and an imaginary place (virtual world) by breaking down fundamental real and imaginary barriers. It offers an experience that can transform the way we play video games and even how we work today. For brands to completely implement mixed reality, they need to have an AR with innovative strategy lined up as quickly as possible without rushing into anything.

Unique Brand Benefits of Mixed Reality

#1. Ability to Provide Next-gen Website Experience

With the advent of AR with innovative technology and mixed reality glasses alongside spatial computing powers, consumers will swiftly move from today’s clumsy devices. The new lenses brought by AR with innovative technology will bring interactive 3D holograms, websites, item display, games, telecommunication, and much more into a grand reality.

Brands can fill their websites with 3D content and allow users to have real-life experience and enable them to touch, hold, and learn more about the product. This will broadly impact product sales and marketing with sky-rocketing engagement rates.

#2. Giving Rise to the Birth of Visual Search

As more and more companies toil to offer affordable MR devices to their customers, there will be a significant increase in the use of those devices. Brands can leverage the power of mixed reality to build a next-gen search engine as customers will rely on new MR glasses for everything they do. With the help of this, brands can improve advertising opportunities to capture and learn from behavioral data.

However, to achieve such a transformation, brands would need to index physical objects’ trillions to offer relevant content for every one of their customers. Brands look forward to implementing the technologies like ‘Eye Tracking’ and ‘Machine Learning’ to provide a seamless experience to their customers.

#3. Enhancement of IoT with Mixed Reality

We live in an ever-growing and increasingly connected world that manages and works on a massive amount of data giving rise to the need for sophisticated tools to make it more intelligent. AR with innovative technologies allows brands to superimpose on the reality viewed by the users and change how they interact with the products or the organization. By enabling mixed reality, consumers can hold and interact with virtual products through hand gestures. Read more :

Brand marketing will eventually grow with the advent of visual search and establish strong connections with consumers in a more personal and emotional way.

Enhanced Data Collection and ad Targeting

Data collection and ad targeting are the two main pillars of modern marketing strategies. Brands will gather BIG data within the customer’s unique environments, and AR with innovative applications of mixed reality will play its part in privacy concerns as we wouldn’t know what’s being collected and who will own and use this data. As AR with innovative techniques like MR devices work by scanning and mapping our real-world items, the amounts of data collected within our physical environments will reach the sky in no time.

Brands and marketers will soon be able to look into customers’ homes and collect data required to personalize their products and build target ads to offer their customers the best and relevant experience.

New MR, VR, and AR technologies embedded products continue to flourish the market, making unique environments handy to huge masses. Changing to Virtual, Augmented, Mixed, or a rise of a new reality is up to you. Loosen the grip on your imagination and your desire to try out brand-new gear, and enhance customer experience by allowing them to access the best services you offer.