April 15, 2021


But otherwise it’s basically the same because cudaminer is based off of the cpu miner so it has a lot of the same, you know, configurations and stuff. But, yeah, once you’re done there you just go ahead and copy paste it in here to your cudaminer directory. And then you make another shortcut for the bat file. And then you run it off of that and, yeah, as you can see it’s working and mine with this right now.

So let’s just do beginners, my password, make it simple, one, two, three. And then we’ll click on add new worker. I’ll just go to wemineltc.Com, and I’ve already created an account. So you’ll need to create an account, click on my account. The first thing that we’re going to do is change your automatic payout threshold here. Right now it’s on zero, but I’m going to change it from zero to one.

If we click on that link there, that will bring us to the official thread and we can download the program from here. So that will work as well to download guiminer-scrypt. And so here is the folder that I’ve downloaded.

The cudaminer is only for nvidia graphics cards. There’s a different one for radeon graphics cards which you find here on the burnside’s site. Once you’re logged in and then it will show you these details here. Goldshell CK5 And basically cg miner and a reaper gpu miner they’re both for radeon series graphics cards.

So go ahead and double-click that, it will expand, you’ll see this minerd executable, which is basically the program that we’re going to run to mine. Now to run this, we need to use an application called terminal. You can find that in your applications folder under utilities. It should be all the way at the bottom here, yep, double click it. You open up a terminal, it looks like this.

And the very first thing that we need is they host. And if we hover over this text box, we see a little hint there. It says host addresses or host address without the http prefix. So we’ll need everything after the slashes here. So I’ll just copy and paste this first host, everything to the dotcom, just like that. And then I’ll copy that, go back to the miner, we’ll paste that in there.