May 22, 2024

Suno AI: A Handy Guide for Music Generation

Suno AI generates original music and lyrics from a text prompt.

An unofficial Telegram version that replicates all the core features of Suno AI is available on @GPT4Telegrambot.

The bot runs the latest Suno V4 version.

To create a song, enter the command /chirp and choose a generation mode:

  • Simple mode uses a short description prompt to generate a song with lyrics and voice in a popular music style.
  • Custom mode gives more options, with separate prompts for the lyrics and music style. It allows you to create songs with your lyrics.
/imagine the sounds of amazing music --style raw --ar 16:9

Simple Mode

In simple mode, type in the chat what the song will be about and the style of music. Up to 200 characters.

For example:

  1. A rock-n-roll song about flying to Mars, male vocal
  2. A weekend in Paris with a loved one, pop
  3. A hip-hop song about Frodo and the dwarves' journey to the Lonely Mountain

Before sending your prompt, choose whether the song should have lyrics or be instrumental music without words.

Simple Mode

Custom Mode

In Custom Mode, you need to choose a music style and then add lyrics.

Music Style

You can select one of the popular genres from the list, specify your own, or use the style generator to get a unique sound.

Music Style isn't just the genre; it also includes the mood and sub-genre descriptions, instruments, and vocal tags. It might be very simple or a comma-separated list.

For example, Rock minor, female vocal

Generally, short prompts seem to create the cleanest audio quality.

Music Style in the Custom Mode

Do not use names of specific artists and songs, as Suno AI protects artists' copyrights.

You can find a list of music genres here. However, don't be limited by pre-conceived ideas of conventional music genres. It's generative AI, not a database of samples. Explore!


You can generate a song with your lyrics or use the Lyric Generator, which is powered by the Claude 3 AI model.

Here are some tricks to get better results from the Lyric Generator:

  • add a character – even inanimate objects and abstract ideas can be the focus;
  • add a conflict – songs can be a moment in time where the outcome is uncertain;
  • add details – AI is very good at expanding on ideas but not as good at inventing original ideas.

To use your lyrics, write them in the chat. The recommended length is 16-20 lines or two verses and a chorus. Depending on the music style, it may be more or less. Separate each verse with an empty line for a pause or instrumental break.

The text can be in any language.

Lyrics in the Custom Mode

Make a Longer Song

Song generation takes 2-3 minutes. Suno creates two clips, up to 4 minutes each.

Each clip can be extended with another one to create a longer song.

To continue with the option you like, press the ⏩ Continue button and add new lyrics. You will receive 2 continuation options.

You can continue the track multiple times. When the last part is ready, press ❤️ Merge to compile the whole track.

Other Buttons

🔁 Reuse Prompt – creates two more clips with the same parameters

📝 Get Text – sends you the lyrics of the song

🎧 Get Audio – sends the created song in .mp3 format

Using Metatags

When creating a song with your lyrics, we recommend using metatags.

Metatags can help the AI within the lyrics. However, the lyric structure, the current song pattern, and the music style are stronger influences than the tags.

Helpful Metatags

  • [Verse 1], [Verse 2] – placed at the beginning of a verse.
  • [Chorus] – placed at the beginning of a chorus.

Verses are usually rhythmic and restrained, while the chorus has more melody and energy.

  • [Sad/Calm Verse] / [Happy Chorus] – to set a specific mood for the verse or chorus.
  • [Pre-Chorus] – creates a sense of anticipation or lyrical interlude, usually used to transition from a verse to a chorus.
  • [Bridge] – to connect different parts of the song, providing a smooth transition from one style to another.
  • [Female/Male Vocal] – to indicate the singer's gender (not consistently effective).
  • (oooyyy) / (ooh-yeah) – adds backing vocals at the end of a verse.
  • [Break] – a few bars of the song where the lead instruments or singer go silent, and the accompanying instruments play. A [Break] can sometimes be used strategically to interrupt the current pattern.
  • [Interlude] / [Instrumental Interlude] – a useful tag to create an instrumental section within the lyrics.
  • [Solo] – before a part of the song that a single voice should perform.
  • [Guitar/Drum/Piano Solo] – to add a solo on the specified musical instrument.
  • [Outro] / [Finale] – helps to prime the song to end, and may create a loop to fade out in post-edit.
  • [Big Finish] – may change the melody or tempo to create a climax.
  • [End] / [Fade Out] / [Fade to End] – indicates the end of the composition.

An Example of Using Metatags

To be, or not to be,
To be, or not to be,
To be, or not to be

[Verse 1]
To be, or not to be that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end

[Instrumental Interlude]

To be, or not to be,
To be, or not to be,
To be, or not to be

[Verse 2]
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd.
To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,


[Rap Verse]
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.

To be, or not to be,
To be, or not to be,
To be, or not to be ...

that is the question


Practice makes perfect

Suno AI has its unique vision for how a song should sound, and it might overlook some tags or add effects on its own. It may take several tries to get the composition just right. Keep practicing, and good luck!
