December 9, 2019

Blockchain Security Token

Clients will be able to purchase and use the ProperSix Tokens in our online casino. ProperSix will also tradePRO6tokens. The ProperSix token is built on Ethereum on the same basis as ERC-20 standards. ERC-20 defines a set ofrules that determine. The ProperSix token will benefit from blockchain technologies immutable chain code along with cryptography providing clients with a secure and trusting environment.

Blockchain Security Token

The ProperSix Tokens will generate growth to support the operation of our online gambling platform. We will embrace the bounties of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain World to:  Use our tokens within the platform to gain access to a range of services  Execute purchase/sale transactions between the platform users  Use our tokens to pay for services of third-party game developers  Accept payments not only in fiat (conventional) currencies but also in cryptocurrencies  Payout the winnings in cryptocurrencies as well as in fiat currencies  Ensure transparency and fair-play in all games in the system

We are in the process of creating a brand new blockchain platform and above the mentioned deficiencies of its predecessors will be eliminated. In this case, of course, it will not only be possible but also necessary to completely integrate blockchain into our platform, as it will provide several undeniable advantages over the traditional centralised client-server systems. ProperSix and its creators are very proud to announce this amazing, newly developed technology which is totally unique and a global first for the crypto casino industry.