December 15, 2022

Ответы LearnAndEarn от Lend

LearnToLEND 01:

Q1) What is the LEND Finance ecosystem?
- A DeFi Lending Protocol

Q2) What can the LEND platform be used for?
- Lending crypto assets to earn interest, Borrowing....

Q3) What do Lenders get for supplying / depositing assets to the protocol?
- Competitively high interest + $LEND tokens as a reward

Q4) What utility do $LEND tokens have?
- Can be used to claim a share of ALL revenue generated by the protocol & Governance!

Q5) How can LEND users earn $LEND tokens for free?
- All of the above - LEND rewards...

Q6) How does LEND stand out from other existing competing DeFi protocols?
- All of the above - LEND is the best!

Q7) On initial launch LEND will first be available via … (complete the sentence)
- BNB Ecosystem

Q8) LEND is a natural extension of the …  (complete the sentence)
- TEN Finance Ecosystem

Q9) How does LEND keep users safe?
- All of the above! - Wow! LEND really...

LearnToLEND 02:

Q1) What is the $LEND token?
- $LEND Tokens are the native reward token for the LEND ecosystem.

Q2) What can $LEND tokens be used for?
- All of the above!

Q3) If you're a LENDER looking to maximise your earnings how do $LEND tokens benefit you?
- Lenders can stake/lock ...

Q4) How much of all protocol revenue can be earned through staking & Locking $LEND tokens?
- $LEND token stakers and lockers...

Q5) How do LEND users earn $LEND tokens?
- All of the above! All LEND users...

Q6) What is the circulating supply of $LEND tokens at launch?
- 14,250,000

Q7) How many LEND tokens allocated for DEV team for the first 2 years?
- 0

Q8) How do you start earning #RealYield with $LEND tokens?
- Supply $LEND tokens -> Get $tLEND -> Lock & Stake $tLEND to earn!

Q9) What happens if $LEND Lockers unlock their locked tLend tokens before 90 days in their term?
- Impossible! Unlocking tokens can't be done!

Q10) What are $LEND tokens the key for?
- Unlocking real yield from the LEND ecosystem


Q1) Why is safety important for the LEND ecosystem?
- To protect user funds and the health & longevity of the LEND ecosystem.

Q2) How do you know the LEND smart contracts are safe to deposit assets into?
- All LEND smart contracts have...

Q3) How does LEND protect Lender's assets so they can LEND & earn with little risk?
- Lender's are able to lend with little counterparty risk...

Q4) How does LEND protect users from market manipulation?
- LEND will only ever support the most liquid...

Q5) Does LEND have any access to your deposited funds?
- No. LEND has NO access to your deposits - Your funds are exactly that YOURS. Deposits cannot be accessed by any other wallet besides the original depositing address....

Q6) Can LEND be flash loan attacked?
- No. LEND has no flash loan functionality so this is not a concern.

Q7) How does LEND protect Borrowers from risk of liquidation?
- Borrowing from LEND requires...

Q8) How will LEND continue to protect users?
- All of the above! LEND has got your back!

LearnToLEND 04:

Q1) How does Lending crypto in the LEND ecosystem work ?
- Lenders deposit their crypto assets...

Q2) What will you receive when you supply native assets to the LEND protocol?
- You will receive a tToken version of...

Q3) What does reward APY % mean?
- Bonus interest received directly in $LEND tokens

Q4) What does supply APY % mean?
- The base interest received from providing your assets to the pool.

Q5) Which statement is correct ?
- Reward APY is not automatically compounded but supply APY is.

Q6) Can lenders lock their tokens provided via the protocol to use them as collateral to borrow against your assets?
- Yes, of course!

Q7) When you can withdraw your supplied deposit if it has been used as collateral to create a borrow balance?
- Whenever needed once u repay your borrow balance.

Q8) How does LEND protect Lender's assets so they can LEND & earn with little risk?
- Lender's are able to lend with little counterparty...

Q9) What does 'overcollateralized' mean?
- Users cannot ever borrow more than they have supplied to the protocol.

LearnToLEND 05:

Q1) Who can borrow assets from LEND ?
- Users that supply tokens to LEND Protocol...

Q2) Do borrowers receive $LEND tokens?
- Yes! All activities on the LEND protocol reward bonus APY $LEND tokens.

Q3) What are borrowers required to be when creating a new borrow balance?
- Borrowers MUST be overcollateralized when creating any borrows.

Q4) What is a liquidation?
- A liquidation is the process where the LEND protocol...
Q5) When do liquidations happen?
- When borrowers become...

Q6) After providing collateral which tokens you can borrow from LEND protocol?
- Any tokens available in LEND borrowing markets.

Q7) How much you can borrow from LEND protocol?
- Depends on the collateral factor of supplied collateral and borrowed tokens.

Q8) Can $LEND tokens be used as collateral at launch?
- No - $LEND tokens can't be used as collateral at launch.

Q9) What does 'overcollateralized' mean?
- Users cannot ever borrow more than they have supplied to the protocol.

LearnToLEND 06:

Q1) What is a tToken ?
- A tToken is the receipt of an asset you receive when you supply it to LEND.

Q2) How do you get tTokens?
- tTokens are received when you supply any assets to LEND.

Q3) What do tTokens do once you receive them for supplying assets to LEND?
- tTokens start to automatically earn...

Q4) Which tTokens can you stake / lock ?
- Only tLend - Received by providing $LEND tokens to the LEND protocol

Q5) When can tTokens be swapped back for the original deposited assets?
- At any given time. Providing they are not...

Q6) What do you need to do with tTokens to unlock the ability to borrow from LEND?
- tTokens must be allocated as collateral to unlock the borrowing function.

LearnToLEND 07:

Q1) What makes LEND stand out against other lending protocols?
- Our unique revenue sharing protocol...

Q2) What tokens are required to start earning protocol revenue?
- $LEND Tokens!

Q3) How do $LEND holders become eligible to earn protocol revenue?
- Users supply $LEND tokens...

Q4) How is LEND protocol revenue distributed?
- 25% to tLend stakers / lockers, 50% to Ten Finance, 25% to Ten Lots holders

Q5) What is the difference between Staking & Locking $tLEND
- Stakers have flexibility to retrieve assets...

Q6) When can tLend stakers unstake their tLend tokens?
- Anytime, however this will forfeit some remaining...

Q7) When can tLend lockers unlock their tLend tokens ?
- Only after 90 days of vesting schedule

Q8) If a tLEND staker unstakes tokens before the 90-day term is over, where do the penalty fees go?
- 100% of all penalty fees go to tLend lockers.

Q9) What tokens do $tLEND stakers & lockers receive as protocol revenue?
- In stables (usd pegged like USDT / USDC) - REAL YIELD!

LearnToLEND 08:

Q1) What is a Protocol Governance?
- It’s a voting system where LEND holders

Q2) Who has the right to vote on governance decisions?
- $LEND Holders & $tLEND Stakers/Lockers

Q3) Who can submit proposals to be voted on?
- All $LEND Holders & $tLEND Stakers/Lockers

Q4) What is a 'Core' proposal?
- A proposal submitted directly by the official LEND team.

Q5) What is a 'Community' proposal.
- A proposal submitted by a member of the LEND community.