June 14, 2023


Family relationships, between mother and child, father and child, and siblings are the first relationships we form in our lives. Positive relationships with parents and siblings help a child grow mentally, emotionally, and physically, whereas negative family relationships can have detrimental effects later in life.

whereas - в то время как

detrimental - пагубный, вредный

A study that followed children over a ten year period showed that positive relationships among children and their relatives led to more positive, healthy behaviors in life. Their physical health, taking care of themselves and making healthy choices, was connected with their family experiences as young children.

In contrast, stress within the family may have physical consequences for the child’s health that can continue into adulthood and include overeating, poor impulse control, and other unhealthy behaviors.

among - между

led (lead) - привели к

consequences - последствия

A child’s family dynamic and relationships help them discover who they are and what they need.

discover - раскрыть (понять)

A child’s relationship with his or her siblings can also impact their future behaviors. A positive sibling relationship allows the child to learn how to interact with kids of different ages, to share and play, and to confide in others.

impact -влиять

confide - доверять

Having a strong family relationship can be achieved by spending quality family time together, working through problems as a family, and showing our children how much we love them in our words and our actions.