June 30, 2020

When was the last time you tried something new?

Trying new things can be undoubtedly daunting. The unfamiliar makes us nervous in a way that’s hard to describe. The act of leaving our comfort zone puts us in a vulnerable position, and leaves us with an onslaught of questions running through our heads. We ask ourselves: “Should I be doing this? Can I do this? Do I look stupid? What am I doing!?” While it may not feel like it, this is normal—and it’s good.

undoubtedly- несомненно, безусловно

vulnerable - уязвимый

onslaught - нападение, наплыв

All too often we let the fear of the unknown stop us. But pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones is actually good for us. Trying new things not only helps us to vanquish those fears, but it also allows us to expand our minds and learn—both about said new thing, and about ourselves.

vanquish - победить, уничтожить

And then there’s the rush. There’s nothing quite like—or as memorable as—the thrill of a new experience. In fact, as reported by TIME in speaking with psychologist Rich Walker, who looked at countless event memories: “People who engage in a variety of experiences are more likely to retain positive emotions and minimize negative ones than people who have fewer experiences.”

thrill - волнение

engage in - участвовать в

retain - сохранить

Now, we’re not saying you have to jump out of a plane or try your hand at a flying trapeze just to have a new experience (though we wouldn’t discourage it). Of course, getting out of your comfort zone doesn’t mean you have to reach heights thousands of feet off the ground. Though, to be honest, trying something that’s foreign to you might just make you feel like you’re high in the sky anyway.

Original article https://wanderlust.com/ru/journal/why-you-should-try-new-things/
