May 13, 2020

You Are Judged by Your Appearance

Like it or not, you are being judged by how you look, how you dress, and how you carry yourself—and, if you’re lucky, how you do your job.

1. Tall people get paid more money: A 2004 study by Timothy Judge at the University of Florida found that for every inch of height, a tall worker can expect to earn an extra $789 per year.

to be being judged - оцениваться

inch - дюйм (=2,54 см)

2. Fat people get paid less: Obese workers (those who have a Body Mass Index of more than 30) are paid less than normal-weight coworkers at a rate of $8,666 a year for obese women, and $4,772 a year for obese men...

3. Blondes get paid more: A 2010 study from the Queensland University of Technology studied 13,000 Caucasian women and found blondes earn greater than seven percent more than female employees with any other hair color.

Caucasian - Европеоидная раса

percent - процент

4. Workers who workout get paid more: workers who exercise regularly earn nine percent more on average than employees who don’t work out.

on average - в среднем

5. Women who wear makeup make more: Not only do people judge beauty based on how much makeup a woman is wearing, make-up adorned women also rank higher in competence and trustworthiness.

make-up adorned (woman) - накрашенная (женщина)

competence - полномочия, компетенция

trustworthiness - надежность, добросовестность

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