September 11, 2023

Crimes of Michalakis Christofi, part 3

Company websites and information thereon

The website of a company nowadays is not only its face, but also a way of contacting the target audience. It is there that the organization can tell about the product, prices, its achievements, ways of communication and so on.

The website of the group of companies is

Very vague description of activities, there is no breakdown of which company is responsible for what and no real facts.

links to the site of other "companies" in a rather peculiar design.

The site is incomplete, which would not be allowed by any small-mal decent business, let alone an international large company.

There are no ways to contact the company.

The site greets us with a similar acidic design and motivational lettering.

They offer to register for detailed information, but it is unclear what exactly the user will get after registration. There are links to social networks, but there is no phone number to contact the company.

The site, made in the same color scheme, contains a lot more pages, as many as six, but to fill all of them, apparently, did not have the patience or money

FAXE is a registered trademark of a group of companies, but apparently it is not interesting not only for the clients, but also for the creators.

The contact page has more information, but the phone number listed has more digits than it should.

On the site you can find out details by filling out a form, but what exactly to find out a user from the outside will not understand.

Also missing are contacts, company information and details for potential buyers.

The site is already in a more relaxed design.

Usually companies are used to bragging about their achievements, certificates and won awards, but here we are simply informed about 5 design awards and 3 patents.

There are no photos of the works, the pictures must have been picked up on the Internet, as the disk phone is lost among other products of the company.

The same picture can be observed on the official Youtube account - no work of the organization, interviews with employees, some completed projects, just a few short videos.

To summarize:

1) Companies are not present at the address of registration, there are no photos of the office, and no information on how to get there.

2) Websites are not developed, respectively, the international group of companies does not have an IT specialist or funds to order a website from an agency.

3) There are no real photos of the company's products, completed projects and so on.

4) There is no information about employees, their number, vacancies.

5) Almost no contact information on the site, that is, the company is not interested in attracting new customers

Accordingly, we can conclude that economic activity is practically not conducted, clients are not attracted, and the sites are created "for a tick".


Michalakis Christofi is an adios and extremely unpleasant personality. Known for using online intimidation, manipulation and inhumane tactics to blackmail and threaten people, as demonstrated in his interactions with victims of his scams.

Likes to be photographed using BDSM paraphernalia and flaunts his considerable financial resources. Has pronounced pedophilic and sadistic tendencies. Active user of Darknet, where he buys pictures of children.