Chase wire send
You go to CHASE - you add acceptance for WIRE (country No FROD) (check a lot of them)
Do SEND (now ONLY so) on 1.2 - 1.8k
Give a day of the hill (relations)
And after the 1st trance - you make the balance to the end (so)
Business Chase is possible without SMS (it does not request on WIRE)
other BA businesses (see required)
The usual Chase - you change through the LC with the hold per day (room)
We take any bank from the log having 5-10k and turned off WIRE (INCLUDED)
We open the settings - we change the phone number, take the perm, the authority changes
We go in and add these cards as a relative (in the column to whom you indicate Relative)
500 $ - send (sms entered), all subsequent without SMS input
We merge the entire balance or the one that you introduced into the guarantor
24 hours (summer day) and you have grandmothers on CC