Pouring from Logs | NEW 2023
The first stage < Preparation >
1) Download the google chrome browser, if still installed - Link
We go into chrome and first of all we clean the whole story, this must be done in the future when changing bank accounts.
Click: History - Clear History - Additionally - All Time - Put all the checkmarks - Delete Data
2) Install the EditThisCookiee extension - Link
installed. then close the google chrome that we have prepared and move on to the next steps.
3) We need VPN, if you already have one, skip this step, if not, then we go here: https://alphazine.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=15 and buy a kick that we like.
We took the VPN - excellent. Next, connect to Germany.
The second stage < Buy and enter the >
First we need to buy Bank Account Logs POSTBANK you can try others, but I bear a guarantee only for this bank, at the moment eleven from twenty banks only makes an instant transfer of payment by IBAN.
You can buy a log here https://alphazine.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=21
or here: https://t.me/+qwbQt14WdfI5ZjM1
usually logs come from thirty to 150 $ (depending on account balance)
Be sure to buy only with DEbET balance, not credit cards.
After the purchase, you get a link to download a txt file with an incomprehensible set of letter and word characters, and what to do with it? We open through a notebook, copy everything. Next, we open our prepared google chrome, click on the extension (cook) - press import
we insert what we copied in the text file - press ok.
Now we boldly switch to https://banking.postbank.de/ will automatically transfer to your personal account.
The third stage < We make the bay and get $ gt; gt;
First of all, we need to find the details on which we will fill.
I personally always look here: https://alphazine.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=17
or here: https://t.me/+qwbQt14WdfI5ZjM1 (we enter under the vpn).
We need the details of any bank not ru, for this we are just looking for topics with the words ONAL and watching. Personally, I have been taking Kazakhstan banks lately.
We find a man. We write, if there is Kazakhstan, excellent, we ask for details - we get it.
Need rivers under IBAN, example of a message:
Usually I say any bank from the head if they ask where the transfer comes from, I don’t drop my bank, they ultimately check the bay in total. I say that the mammoth translates, and if I say that he later decided to transfer from another bank (if suddenly there is no linkage, usually this is not), the country of germanium by itself.
the reason is simple, we don’t like fillers and they are not a priority + we are firing a bank. After receiving the details, we transfer the money to them We go to a personal account, click on our own account
further Uberweisung - > Auslanderweisung
We prescribe Name | Surname | Iban | Bik
Click on - Enter the amount - Ok.
Usually pouring under the limits, which means you need to find out what maximum amount they can take. usually it's 3000 $. then fill 3000 $
After we translated, we unsubscribe to the person from whom the details were taken, we write that we poured, we give our bitcoin wallet. and get paid)
What% do nudity pick up during the bay ? Ru cards 15-25% (not suitable for us, translation wait a long time) Kazakhstan, Ukraine 25-35% (suitable and% pleasant) Europe 40 +% (as you want)