July 15

Manual for working with Google ADS + MCC 

I decided to write a brief manual like pouring from the MCC to google ads without fear of bans.

Mtsz is a google account manager with which we create many accounts tied to one manager that are not connected at all!

That is, if one flies into the ban - the rest pour further.

The method is suitable for both mass tests and casting of a plate to zero!

The payment profile is cut into the manager, and the axes under the manager, that is, the launches go with one plank - therefore we press it to the maximum.

There is no way for minuses, take and fuck 💥

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Chased 🔥

We write to the google mcc browser and go to the first proposed link!

We see the big blue Go to Manager Accounts button. Press it and move on to creating a mtsshnik.

We call our mtz, put a checkmark to manage our actions, billing itself will catch up. We pass the captcha and submit...

Fine! We created our mtz, then we move on to setting up an Akkov manager

So, here you can say PANELKA of our mtstsshnik, look at Accounts on the left in the menu, there is Performance inside - let's go there.

Here we can follow all our stocks inside the mtz

Let's start creating the First Manager, so that the google certainly does not trace the connection with the accounts, we hang the managers on the Mtsz, and they already have the suites with which the lion actually.
We click, Create new manager account and move on!

We give a name to our manager, put a checker management May accounts, then everything will be pulled up by a machine gun, we pass a captcha. Seiv & Continue

We don’t touch anything here, just further !!!

So, we created a manager, if you look in the upper left corner, it will be clear that our manager is AML himself. And then we create already UNDER account managers.
Press Create new account and move on to our usual setting.

We give the name of the account, leave everything by default, move on

Customize billing account. We fill out the payment profile, knit the payment and fly on!
P.S. I do not recommend knitting a payment here - for details in ls!

So, we see the created account. I congratulate you! You can click on it and go to the launch, as I did on the next screen. And you can stick the same 5 accounts on top! And have another 4 left.

I do not recommend creating more than 5 shares per manager)
When the limit is reached. Preference - > Create new manager account - > create new account
We work!

Thank you all for your attention! I’m waiting in a horseradish with a question, how to knit a payment correctly! And I advise you to go into our chat, since the subsequent manuals and buns will be seen there!