May 11, 2020

What Are Transgenic Animals?

Transgenic animals are animals that have been cloned. The medical and biotechnological uses of animal cloning are almost innumerable, as many diseases have been eradicated thanks to the production of these transgenic animals. Due to the controversial concept of cloning and scientific testing on animals, there are many questions that revolve around this topic. The most commonly asked question remains: what are the uses, advantages and disadvantages of transgenic animals?

In this article, we will be explaining what transgenic animal are and what the production of cloning animals includes. Additionally, we will be presenting you with some examples of transgenic animals.

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What is transgenesis?

Transgenesis is the procedure through which genetic information (DNA or RNA) is transferred from one organism to another. This results in the second organism and its descendants being grouped as transgenic animals (cloned organisms). Not all of the complete genetic material is initially transferred, only one or several genes, which have been previously; selected, extracted and isolated.

Transgenesis by DNA microinjection:

This is one of the most commonly used methods of transgenesis.

  • First, a female mouse is hormonally induced to superovulate and then mate.
  • Once the eggs are fertilized, they are removed and isolated.
  • In the second phase, the zygotes (cells resulting from the union of the egg and a sperm naturally or through fertilization in vitro or in vivo) are microinjection with a solution containing the DNA selectively chosen to add to the genome.
  • These already manipulated zygotes are then reintroduced into a pseudopregnant female mouse: so that the gestation can take place in a natural environment.
  • Offspring are then given opportunity to grow and be weaned.
  • They are then checked through a Tail blotting method (extracted blood from tail) to identify whether the transgene (external DNA) has been ‘‘successfully’’ incorporated into the genome.

This method is considered as non-homologous, meaning that the injected DNA could integrate randomly into the genome

Examples of transgenic animals

There are a history of animal cloning studies that have been conducted on different animals. These animals and methods include:

  • Frogs: in 1952 cloning of frogs through nuclear transfer.
  • Dolly the sheep: 1994, first mammal cloned from a somatic cell nuclear transfer.
  • Cows, Noto and Kaga: were cloned in Japan in order to provide for better meat and milk production.
  • Mira the goat: cloned in 1998, Mira was the precursor of engineering cattle that were created in such a way to be able to ‘‘produce’’ drugs useful to the human body.
  • CC the cloned cat: in 2001, the company Genetic Savings & Clone, cloned a domestic cat for commercial purposes.

Want to Know more about Impact of Covid-19 on Transgenic animals? Just go through the Link-

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