December 22, 2019

American children are most susceptible to these common health problems.

Children have high susceptibility towards the diseases that is why children catch the diseases very easily and show the sign and symptoms. The health issues for the children are different from the adults; few problems are common in children which every parent should know about it. Let’s see “Common health problems in American children.

Children from infancy and preschool, the common health issue which almost every child suffers is cold. Children in one year get cold about seven to eight times. Some children get well soon within a week while a few children need time to recover from the sickness.

There are many viruses almost 200 which can cause common cold but the children are not exposed to all so their susceptibility to catching a cold every year increases. Every child is different so the signs and symptoms they will give during any sickness will also be different.

Besides the common cold, there is much other illness which is common in the children. let’s see which are other common health problems in American children.

Ear infection – In the middle ear and outer ear.

An ear infection is very common in children. But the causes for the ear infection are different in each child which includes otitis media, infection of the skin in the ear canal, pressure from the cold, sinus infection, teeth pain which radiates from jaw to the ear, etc. Some of the ear infections don’t need any treatment, they resolve on their own.

There are two types of ear infection which are commonly seen in children- middle ear and outer ear infection. Treatment for an ear infection is given according to the age of the child so it is important to talk to your doctor if the child has ear pain.

During an ear infection, it is important that your child should not go swimming and not submerge their head in the water.

Here are the sign and symptoms of the ear infection-

  • Difficulty in hearing
  • Your child will pull their ear
  • Irritability due to pain
  • Fever
  • Weakness and lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • An ear infection can be associated with cold
  • Pus in the middle ear

The only treatment for an ear infection that your paediatrician will give is antibiotics.

Gastroenteritis – Stomach and intestine.

Gastroenteritis is caused due to inflammation of the stomach and intestine which results in diarrhea and vomiting. This is also a very common disease condition found in children. The vomiting due to infection may stop but if the diarrhea sets in it take up to six or seven days to stop. Gastroenteritis can be caused by many germs but most commonly it is caused by viruses and bacteria.

Sign and symptoms are:-

  • Unable to eat and drink
  • Feeling lethargy and weakness
  • Vomiting starts within 12-24 hours of infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Fever
  • Dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea
  • Drowsiness

Most of the gastroenteritis can be treated at home by giving a lot of fluid which is the main mode of treatment. To reduce diarrhea and vomiting, it is not advised to prescribe any medicine at home it will not work rather it will harm your child.

Only fluid intake is recommended for children during infection and advised to keep your child away from other children still the infection is not cured otherwise chances of infection are increased.

Always wash the hands of children with soap and water before eating anything. this is one of the very common health problems in American children which happens due to negligence.

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