July 16, 2020


💾 DOWNLOAD LINK ➲ https://bit.ly/2OuFUO7
🔐 PASSWORD: 1234

■ 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞?
𝟏. Download dll's & injector, drop on desktop and install;
𝟐. Run ;
𝟑. Open Injector as admin and (IN LOBBY);
𝟒. Inject HACK;
𝟓. Ready!

1)Player ESP - See players through objects
2)Item ESP - See items through objects
3)Aimbot - Hard aimbot that aims for the head
4)Smooth - Makes the aimbot look like actual aim, gives it smoothing
5)Fast Reload - You reload faster
6)No Bloom - You have no bloom
7)FOV - You can change your field of view
8)Player Speed - You can change how fast you move
9)Jump Height - You can change how high you jump