May 29, 2022
SubQuery Guide - Timestamp of Blocks
This Subquery example indexes the timestamp of each finalized block and it is an example of a CallHandler. By processing the timestamp.set
extrinsic, and extracting the first arguments of it, we can retrieve the timestamp.
Install Docker
curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Install nodejs and yarn
sudo apt-get install npm -y sudo npm install -g n yarn -y
Install @subql/cli
sudo npm install -g @subql/cli
Okey, we are ready for create first project!
Create Project
subql init tutorials-block-timestamp
Template: Select "Starter project"
Git repository: Git URL to a repo - not necessarily
RPC endpoint:
Description: info about your project - not necessarily
Install the new project’s dependencies
cd block-timestamp yarn
Updating GraphQL
You need update the schema.graphql
type BlockTs @entity { # BlockHash id: ID! blockHeight: BigInt! timestamp: Date! }
yarn codegen
Build the Project
yarn build
Run Project with Docker
sudo docker-compose up
Query your Project
Open link http://localhost:3000/
Insert in the left window and press Play
{ query { blockTs( first: 10, orderBy: BLOCK_HEIGHT_DESC ) { nodes { id blockHeight timestamp } } } }
You can also pass the wonderful "Hero course" -