Answers to frequently asked questions
Hello, if you are in a difficult situation when using a drainer and are looking for a solution, then you have come to the right place - here are the answers to all the questions that drainer users most often ask. And now that you’ve entered this section, I’ll quickly tell you how to structure our work as efficiently as possible so as not to waste each other’s time.
I am very friendly and always ready to help you if something doesn’t work out for you, but the problem is that you are not my only client. During the day, I most often answer in another 20 - 30 neighboring chats and everyone really needs help, but I’m still a person, I also have some needs, including rest, so before asking anything , try to find the answer to your question yourself, there are several ways to do this effectively:
- Open this section (and you have already opened it, which is very good) and look through it - perhaps, with a very high degree of probability, your question is already here and has been answered, so just use it if it exists.
- If your question is not here for some reason, and especially if it is not related to the technical component (for example, the question of where to get traffic, how to deal with bots, how to make money, etc.) - we have it wonderful chat, a link to join which you were given when you purchased the script, there are also a lot of friendly people there who have been using the script for a long time and, most importantly, are ready to share their experience completely free of charge and give you advice. Yes, it doesn’t always work, but it’s worth a try, at least this way you can get an answer much faster. But don’t trust everything blindly; remember, this is not a rosy world.
- We also have a special person in the chat - my assistant and deputy, who most often does not deal with code, but also knows something and can give you some advice. Moreover, you can order custom modal windows, loaders, landing pages, and so on from him. Contact - @mercyiva. At least, if he doesn’t know something, he will definitely ask me and will know for the future, so write - you definitely won’t go wrong.
- If suddenly something stops working for you and you think that the update, the Internet, the Masons, the Illuminati or something else is to blame, but not you and some error in installing or configuring the drainer, then first try the following: write to the general chat and ask other people if this or that function works for them, do not forget to specify which version of the drainer you are using (you can find it out from the name of the archive in which the drainer was given to you). If suddenly everything is ok with the others, then most likely the problem is on your side: try reinstalling the drainer according to the manual, change VPS, domain, enable or disable VPN - in general, check whether your domain has been activated, if not yet, go through the manual again, suddenly you missed something important. And if you suddenly see some errors, then look at this page - maybe someone has already had this and the solution is written there. If not, then ask first in the chat, then write to my assistant, and if none of this helps you, then contact me - I will gladly try to help with the problem.
- If it so happens that none of the points above helped and you still decide to write to me, then let’s agree on some rules that will help us together understand the problem as effectively as possible. Namely: write everything at once in one message, no need to flood, please, write “hello” or “are you there?” and wait for my answer - immediately ask your question in as much detail as possible. It would also be nice to indicate what version of the drainer you have, where you got the VPS, what domain you are using for the site, so that I can immediately go in and check, plus whether you set any specific settings. Then check whether everything worked for you before or if nothing started right away after setting it up. Indicate what OS you have, in which wallet you checked all this (MetaMask, Trust Wallet, ...). Try to immediately provide logs with errors if there are any. Logs come in two places: right in your browser, in its console, you can get them like this: press F12 on the page of your site, a panel will open on the right / left / bottom, there click on the Console tab and take a screenshot of everything that is there . There are also logs on your VPS, to view them open PowerShell, log in to SSH as you did during installation and enter the command:
pm2 logs 0
. After this you will see all the latest server logs. There will also be a path where the full log file is stored, it ends at server-out.log usually, it would be a good idea to also find it, download it through FileZilla and post it along with your question for completeness. By the way, the rules from this paragraph are also suitable for chat and my assistant. But it’s better not to throw logs and all sorts of files into the chat, as your data may be there.
Now that we've quickly covered how to work through your problems, let's move on to frequently asked questions and how they are resolved.
Question: the person gave me a confirmation, a log about this came to Telegram, but for some reason the asset was not written off, how can I write it off manually and is it possible?
This sometimes happens that the drainer cannot automatically write off the asset, and often the confirmation was actually issued. Blockchain is a rather complex thing and unpredictable things often happen here. The drainer is optimized as much as possible, but such little things cannot be excluded. It is often possible to obtain an approved asset, but first you need to determine how the confirmation was issued and whether it actually exists.
Due to the latest update, sometimes to issue confirmations it is not your drainer wallet address from MS_Wallet_Address that is used, but another, new one, generated personally for this user. You can find the private key for such a wallet in the file random_wallets.txt in the folder where you have the drainer server. And to find out the wallet address there are two ways:
- If you have a confirmation of the Approve type, then further in the text you will go to the transaction page and in the “Input Data” field in the very first field the wallet address you need will be indicated, using it you can find the private key in this file and add it to MetaMask . It is this that you will need to connect wherever your address or MS_Wallet_Address is asked, this will be considered your address. If the address there coincides with MS_Wallet_Address, then we use it accordingly.
- If you have a confirmation of type Permit and Permit2, then in both of them in the data that comes to Telegram there is a “spender” field - this will be the addresses of your wallet. You can also use it to find the data in the file.
And so, there are several types of confirmations: Approve (including Increase Allowance and Increase Approval), Permit and Permit2. If you receive a message that a person has signed a confirmation, but you have not received an additional message with signature data (it is usually large - don’t miss it), then this is most likely Approve. First of all, to check whether it was really issued, you must open a site with a scanner of the network you need, for example, if the asset was on the Ethereum network, then open Etherscan, and if it is, say, the BSC network, then Bscscan. Regardless of the scanner, on the main page you will see a search, enter the victim’s address there and press ENTER, after which you will see a list of transactions, you are interested in recent transactions with the types Approve, Increase Allowance or Increase Approval - this will be signed in the table in the “Method” field . If there is one and in the “To” column you see that this is the token you need, then click on the blue text in the “Transaction Hash” field in this line and you will be taken to the transaction page. Here you go down to the text "More Details" and expand additional transaction details. There we are interested in the "Input Data" field and the "Decode Input Data" button under it - click on it and the data will look a little clearer to the human eye. There we are interested in the second line with the amount. If you see that the amount there is greater than zero, then great, the confirmation is real and maybe something can be done with it. Only now you need to make sure of one more thing - that the transaction went through. To do this, make sure that at the top of the transaction page there is a green bar with the text “Success”.
And so, we figured out how to check the confirmation if it is Approve. But let's first figure out what to do if it's not Approve. If in your case Approve, then you can skip this paragraph and move on. And so, if, in addition to the successful confirmation, you received a message with PERMIT data, then you have Permit and you need to sign it first. But similar to the option with Approve, first check if it has signed itself, this time in the search enter not the victim’s address, but the address of the drainer’s wallet (the same one that you entered into MS_Wallet_Address in the server settings) and look for “Method” there , which will be signed as Permit and called for the token you need (look at the “To” field), has the status “Success”, and of course, so that it was recently, approximately during the time intervals when you were given confirmation. If there is such a thing, then we skip this stage and move on to withdrawing the token.
And if suddenly there is no such transaction, then we will create it ourselves. First of all, add your drainer’s wallet to MetaMask, then return to the main page of the site with the scanner and enter the token address you need into the search. It is usually written in the last paragraph of a Telegram message, where the PERMIT signature information is located. After you have gone to the token page, find the Contract button there (usually there is also a green checkmark next to it), then click on the Write as Proxy button (or just Write / Write Contract, if there is no Write as Proxy) and find the "Connect" button to Web3". Before clicking it, make sure that the drainer wallet is selected in MetaMask. Then click on the button, select MetaMask, connect the drainer wallet to the site. If the connect button is red, click on it again until it turns green - this means that your wallet has successfully connected. Now find the function signed as Permit in the list and simply fill out all the fields in it as the message in Telegram asks you to do. Sometimes fields may differ in name, but they logically fit together in translation. For example, instead of "deadline" there could be "expires" or something similar. But if you see the “nonce” field and you don’t have it in your notification, then you can only sort through the values: usually there can be either a zero or a one - try with them.
When you have specified all the data, click the “Write” button (it’s usually blue) and you will see the transaction signature in MetaMask. Immediately pay attention to the commission it offers you. If it is too large and exceeds $100, then under no circumstances sign it - you either indicated something wrong in the signature data, or it is a fake PERMIT signature - this is sometimes sent by bots in the hope that you will spend a lot of commission on a fake one signature. Even if you sign and spend a lot of money on commission, you won’t be able to withdraw anything. If you meet someone like this, just forget - they tried to deceive you. And if the signature has an adequate commission, then feel free to sign it. Don't forget to also make sure that the transaction went through and its status is "Success".
But in addition to the usual PERMIT, there is also PERMIT 2, the data from it is somewhat similar to the first one, but it is directly signed there that it is PERMIT 2. First of all, look at how many tokens were approved for you through PERMIT 2. If there are several, then you must sign it manually If you can't, forget about this transaction. If there is only one token, then everything is still possible and here is how it can be done. By analogy with PERMIT, check if there is a signature on your wallet, otherwise it may have already been created. If not, then we will do it. The notification also contains an address in the last paragraph that we must open in the scanner - we do this. Then, similarly, go to Contract => Write as Proxy (Write / Write Contract), connect the drainer’s wallet via MetaMask and find the Permit function, but there is a trick here, because there are two Permit functions - you need the one where the second field is called - permitSingle, and don't letBatch. Now I’ll tell you how to fill out the fields:
In the "owner" field we enter the victim's address, in the "spender" and "sigDeadline" fields we enter partially the data from the "Data" field. Here's a small example:
{"details":{"token":"0x423f4e6138e475d85cf7ea071ac92097ed631eea","amount":"1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542975","expiration":172824229 1482,"nonce":0},"spender":"0xD31F1b528D39b320871bE5Bbd8Bae20C888244F2","sigDeadline":1728242291482}
In my case, "spender" will be "0xD31F1b528D3........e20C888244F2", and in the "sigDeadline" field I will need to enter the number "1728242291482".
And now the hardest part is what to enter in the “details” field. Here we will need to slightly format the data from the “Data” field as follows: first we put an opening square bracket, and then, separated by commas, enter the values from the following fields: token, amount, expiration, nonce. Then close the square bracket. As a result, if we take the data above as an example (you use your own, which was sent to you in Telegram!), you will get:
And just like that, we paste all this into the “details” field. Then, by analogy with PERMIT, we sign, carefully look at the commission and make sure that the transaction was successful. PERMIT 2 can also be fake, just like regular PERMIT.
All signatures have been made and now, regardless of whether you have Approve or Permit, how can you actually withdraw these tokens to your wallet?
Now everything is simple, go to the scanner, open the token page through the search (for those who Approve and Permit - you were already on it, for those who Permit 2 - take the token address from the "token" field in your data). There we open the page Contract => Read as Proxy (either Read or Read Contract), find the allowance function there, fill it in as follows: in the first line the address of the victim, and in the second the address of the spender (in Permit and Permit2 it is indicated in the data, and for Approve can be found in the Input Data you looked at, in the very first line). If the result is a number greater than zero, then great, you can still try to withdraw the token. Now open the balanceOf function, enter the victim’s address there and save the number you get - this is his balance. Now go to the Write as Proxy (Write / Write Contract) tab, look for the TransferFrom function there and fill it in as follows: the first field is the victim’s address, the second is your address, the third is the amount (the number that you saved). After that, we sign this request, also look at the commission and if it is not very large, then feel free to sign and after that the tokens will be transferred to you.
Question: the drainer stopped doing this and I see this in the browser console:
Don’t panic, this is a local problem and it’s on the side of your browser, you just have reached the limit of requests to the VPS, you should change your IP or change your VPN, with 99% probability everything is fine for other users.
Question: an error appears endlessly in the server logs: “ETELEGRAM: 409 Conflict: terminated by other getUpdates request; make sure that only one bot instance is running” or something similar, what can be done about this?
Most likely, you have another process open somewhere indicating the same Telegram bot token that is used in the drainer - you cannot do this. Better go to @BotFather on Telegram, reset the bot token and insert a new one into the drainer and nowhere else. After this, the error will go away, but will remain in history even after a restart. If this annoys you, go to the /root/.pm2/logs folder on your VPS and delete the server-error.log and server-out.log files from there.
After replacing the token, by the way, you need to open PowerShell, log in and restart the server with the command: pm2 restart all
Question: the drainer stopped working and in the browser console there is something like this:
Apparently, your VPS server crashed, or the domain is down, or it was blocked, or you configured something incorrectly in Cloudflare. If everything worked before, then most likely the problem is either in the VPS or in the domain. First, check the VPS, go to PowerShell, log in via SSH and enter the command:
If there are no processes in the list, then run it again using commands in SSH, enter them not all at once, but one by one, as during the first installation:
cd server pm2 start server.js --watch server.js pm2 save pm2 list
If at the end you see that the process has appeared, check - it should work. If the process was already there or did not work, then check the domain, perhaps it was simply blocked - this sometimes happens, in this case, just change it, also link it to Cloudflare as the first time and enter it in web3-provider.js