July 9, 2020

3 )))about journey with government and Elon musk to mars

3 )))about journey with government and Elon musk to mars .

Bodily I think that is idea stupidity, in another planets we dont have air to breathing and air plays important roule to persons wealth.

Nobody can’t is breathing Without air.

Even in case appears air live in another planet its will be cost a lot of money but in another planet we dont have resources to using or meal for the eating. If for the somebody will get bored and he not know where he will go to relaxing or travelling another planet its not good choice .

If for the people not enough place in earth how china in this case its worth to try find place to move people in these country.

Sure somebody wants to live in another planet then wait to live in space suit which weights tons and drags a balloon to breathe

If you still want to live in such conditions try live in suits on earth at least day then see your opinion about life in another planet.

In other planets we dont have general sources how,water,air,meal carry water and air to live is a lot of money and a piece of moron.And government has other problems to learning space or another planets must working space companies.To first make earth cleaner and better then look other planets.