How to Sell Antiques Online
Most people who are selling antiques are not professional sellers. They may need some extra space in their garage. Or with recent economic events, they may be finding themselves in financial turmoil and in need of quick cash. Antiques are the perfect way to make quick cash because usually they are not essential items. It is one thing to sell your commuter vehicle; it is another thing to sell that antique Coke machine in the garage. Your commuter vehicle gets you to work and lets you earn money; the Coke machine is just taking up space and gathering dust. Why not sell it?
The first rule of selling antiques online is to make sure that you are not misrepresenting the item. Because nobody really knows what the word antique means, or can agree upon a definition, it is your job to define it within your online classified ad. Is this wrought iron railing truly rare? Is it in good condition? Or is it basically junk that you're trying to get rid of? Any antique buyer who comes to look at your wrought iron railing will know immediately that your ad was making it sound "too good to be true." So, to avoid wasting your time and their time, settle on a good, honest definition right up front.
The second rule of how to sell antiques online is to be aware that many people who will contact you are professional buyers. With some items, such as furniture, books, clothes, etc., professional antique buyers will call you immediately after the ad goes up. What they are looking for is a quick, cheap sale. There is not necessarily anything wrong with this either, if you are desperate for a quick cheap sale. But if you're looking to get the highest possible price for your item, you may want to bypass some of the professional buyers, at least at first.
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The third rule of selling antiques online is patience. Remember, antiques are not an essential item in anybody's lives (except for the true aficionados). Antiques advertising is not like advertising for jobs; jobs are necessary for people to stay alive. It is good to be realistic about the place that antiques have within our lives--they are luxury, not a necessity. That said, it generally does take longer to sell your antiques than it does to sell other items online.