August 6, 2022

The top 5 most expensive NFTs

If you have not heard about NFTs or do not know how much these digital tokens cost, then most likely you haven’t been visiting Internet for the last 2-3 years. This is one of the main crypto trends that had an immense growth recently.

Probably, your first meeting with NFT went like this: “How many millions does this picture of a digital 8-year-old kid cost?!”.  But this is not a picture of a kid, this is a Cryptopunk. The least expensive one worth 250 thousand dollars.

The prices of these digital artworks is really a fascinating thing, so we decided to prepare a list of the top 5 most expensive NFTs,

5 CryptoPunk #5822

NFT's price: $23 million.

An NFT with a blue alien in a bandana was sold for 8000 ETH. It was bought by Deepak Taplial, CEO of “Chain” in February 2022.  The most interesting thing is that the original buyer of CryptoPunk #5822 paid only 1 ETH for the NFT.


NFT's price: $28.8 million.

The NFT was created by an artist named Beeple and auctioned off at Christie's.  HUMAN ONE is an animated 3d image of an astronaut in a cube of four video screens.  Beeple has exclusive access to NFT, that is why he changes the details in the picture form time to time.


NFT's price: $52.7 million.

The NFT was created to support Julian Assanji, the founder of Wikileaks. Clock counts down the days, when Julian was arrested. A group of from AssangeDAO has bought the NFT to fund Assange's trial.

2. The First 5000 Days

NFT's price: $69.3 million.

The First 5000 Days is a collage of Beeple's works since 2007. For 5000 days, the artist collected all his works for several years and sold them for a fabulous price.

1. The Merge

NFT's price: $91.8 million.

The Merge is the most expensive piece of art in the world today. It was created by Beeple's student Pak. The Merge is a dynamic on-chain NFT, with a unique token mechanism called ‘merge’. The images of this NFT collection are simply circles of different sizes. Each account can only own one NFT in this collection. If you own an NFT and purchase another one, two NFTs will merge into one and the circle grows in size. About 30,000 people collectively bought these NFTs.