Libra Horoscope 2020
As per Libra Horoscope 2020, the signs for the natives of Libra for the year 2020 indicate towards adventure, learning and travel.
Health needs attention and travel needs planning. Keep a check on both.
Saturn, in the beginning of the year, will be in the third house but transit into the fourth on January 24. Jupiter, which also would be in the third house during the beginning will move into the fourth on March 30. The astonishing element is on 30th June, Jupiter will retrograde and again come into the third house. It will return back to its previous route and enter the fourth house on November 20th.
The position of Rahu will be in your ninth house until September, after which it will move into your eighth house.
You need to drive with caution during this time and eat easy-to-digest food only. Arguments, should be a big no for you. Alcohol, non-vegetarian food, smoking and such things can cause a lot of damage. Staying away from them is advised to you.
As per the Libra 2020 yearly prediction for the Librans, a pilgrimage is possible. You will be benefitted by the same. Problems that continued to disturb you for quite a while will be resolved with ease. Though, there could be some fresh challenges for you and you will learn new things from them.
Freedom can be felt by you as you decide to take some time out for yourself. Sometimes you need expert advice and consulting yourself is the best choice. Introspection or meditation not only gives you inner strength but increases your willpower.
Librans who aspire to land overseas, may get this wish of theirs fulfilled this year. In the month of April, the efforts of the past in this respect will yield results. Some people may receive paternal property. Take care of the health of your mother and father if they are aging.
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