August 1, 2024

Earn with the Fragment service $150 daily


About half a year ago, Telegram creator Pavel Durov created a platform for trading nicknames for Telegram. The platform is called Fragment, and we will make money from these nicknames. We will be creating nicknames using our imagination and selling them.

If you do not know how many names are sold on Telegram, we present you a list of the most expensive names:

@auto (900,000 TON — $1.42 million).

@bank (850,000 TON — $1.34 million).

@avia (800,000 TON — $1.26 million).

@chat (700,000 TON — $1.1 million).

Many expensive nicknames are bought by the same people — for example, the names @bank, @game and @auto are tied to the same TON wallet, which has almost 30 million TON ($39.3 million) in its account.

1. Download the TonKeeper app:



2. Go into the application and create a new wallet. We will be given a seed phrase of 24 words, which we must save, this is your key to the account.


3. Go to, and link our Telegram account and the previously created purse.


4. Install 2FA (two-factor account authentication) in the Telegram settings, otherwise we will not be able to sell nicknames.

5. Create 10 or 20 open channels in Telegram. Channels occupy the domain as usernames. The limit per account is 20 usernames with Telegram Premium and 10 usernames without Telegram Premium.

6. Think up a nickname for sale, and put it in the name of the channel, as well as a link to the channel, so that later, when you have had more than 20, you can easily find the right one.

7. After you’ve created a channel, be sure to make it open, the only way it will take a link.

To come up with a nickname for sale we have to use words that are trending at the moment, like cryptocurrency or neural networks. Also, it is not necessary to create nicknames duplicates like “alex930493” or “bitcoin3940”, there are suffixes and prefixes for this (prefix — sub-word standing before a word, the suffix — sub-word standing after the word), which makes nickname not less original and not less saleable. Examples of prefixes and suffixes: true, work, real, now, crypto, for real, the, ai, for, numbers from 1–9, one, two, three; designation of the nation — UK, USA, AU, NZ, and transcription.

8. Moving on to Sale. Go back to and click on the 3 bars at the top — “My Assets” — “Convert Usernames to Collectibles” — “Place on Auction”.


9. You will get a message from Fragment on your Telegram account, confirming the auction by entering the password from 2FA (two-factor authentication). To put the username for sale you must have 2FA turned on for more than a week, as well as enough time for username possession (Telegram doesn’t tell the exact time, but according to our experience it is 1,5 weeks).

10. If a purse and all data match press “Confirm auction” and enter your password.


In this field, you put your nickname to auction, but it is not so easy, so people will see your nickname among others, and in NFT, someone will have to bid 10 Ton first. If you are the first to bid, and you win the auction you will make your nickname a collector’s badge and get back 5 Ton. A collector badge gives you the possibility to have 2 nicknames in your profile.


You can also place the first bid — if another person is interested in the nickname he can find it by searching in Fragment or you can promote yourself in chats by dropping a link to your nickname.

What to do if you don’t have 10 tons to start with?

You can sell in chats. Here’s an example of a chat:

Fragment recently added a new feature where customers can offer the seller an amount per username to make sure the deal is fair.

You can also familiarize yourself with other clickers, most likely the list will expand. We advise you to create a separate folder with these clickers in your Telegram account and put them all there:

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