December 16, 2022

Why use a WAX Wallet

A WAX Wallet is needed for easy interaction with apps, games and NFT marketplaces. There are several WAX wallets available at the moment: WAX Cloud Wallet and ANCHOR.

WAX Cloud Wallet is a cloud-based cryptocurrency wallet (cryptocurrency wallet), which is simple and convenient, but less secure.

ANCHOR - digital wallet, which focuses on security and privacy, but more complicated for the user.

Registration Wax Wallet

To create a wallet:

  1. Go to the official WAX website:
  2. Click on "Sign Up For Account".
  3. Enter your email and password. Some mails are not suitable for the creation of a wallet, so it is better to use the mail from Google.

The password must contain 1 digit, 1 upper and lower case letters and one of the special characters: [. , @ # $ % & + - ]]. You can register using social networks or your GOOGLE account.

  1. We go to the link from the mail to confirm the account.
  2. Next, you must make a deposit of 5 wax to create an account.
  3. To do this, we need to buy WAX on the exchange, for example on Binance (Binance will require us to transfer a commission of 2 WAX.
  4. In the registration window we will be given the purse address and its MEMO (id), necessary for the transfer.
  5. Transfer 5 WAX to the specified address (you can more, the balance will be credited to your balance)
  6. After crediting the money automatically opens a new account.
  7. After registration you can add two-factor authentication for security. The gear at the bottom right -> Account Security -> 2- Factor Authentication.

WAX blockchain resources

In the WAX blockchain, transactions do not require fees, but resources are needed.

Resources are the necessary productive capacities that are purchased for WAX. They are required for transaction validation, NFT storage, and other operations in the WAX ecosystem.

Resources are divided into: CPU, NET, and RAM.

CPU - Responsible for transaction time. If it is not enough, you may experience problems with the execution of transactions. It is the CPU that is most often lacking.

NET - is responsible for the maximum amount of WAX on the wallet. Usually the standard amount of this resource is enough.

RAM - responsible for storing data in the WAX blockchain, this includes NFT, which are stored in the wallet. If there is a lack of RAM, there are problems with putting NFTs on sale.

To see how many resources at the moment you need to click on the button (click button) Resources.

To interact with marketplaces and applications, you need to stack your WAX for each resource.

Select a resource -> enter the number of WAXs -> click Stake. Due to changes in network load, the number of resources may sometimes be insufficient, so it is always a good idea to take a margin.

Stacking is only possible for CPU and NET.

RAM - must be purchased for wax.(1 wax ≈ 1,547 Bytes)

Optional: you need at least 4,279 bytes of RAM to withdraw money from steaking. Initially the account has 3621 bytes.