Sewer pipe slope
If you undertook to independently design and make a sewer system in an apartment, then you need to consider one point. It is important to correctly calculate the slope of the pipe. If the angle of inclination of the pipe is incorrect, then there is a possibility of a failure in the operation of the sewer communication, and the most unpleasant thing is that the work will have to be completely redone. For this reason, you should carefully understand what should be the slope of the sewer pipe in the apartment and how to calculate it, and also why the large slope of the pipe is bad.
Is a high slope good or bad?
See online calculator - Sewer Pipe Slope.
You can often come across the opinion that the greater the slope, the better, because all the drains will go down much faster, moreover, you will probably not go wrong. But is this opinion true? Not really! The whole secret lies in the fact that during a rapid descent, the pipe is subject. The water quickly leaves, and the suspended particles remain in the pipe. In some cases, this can lead to breakdowns of water constipation in the siphon, and this will entail the penetration of an unpleasant odor into the house. There is another, more weighty reason why it is not allowed to leave pipes unfilled to the desired level. In an aggressive environment, the flow of air to the surface accelerates the pipe corrosion process. For these reasons, you need to know exactly what the slope of the sewer pipe should be.
How is the optimal slope determined
So, what needs to be considered when determining the optimal slope angle for a domestic sewage system:
1) Diameter at a specific site.
2) Flow rate.
3) Filling indicator.
According to simple calculations, the filling ratio of the pipe depends entirely on the flow rate. That is, a fast flow of water washes out the contents of the pipe well, therefore it fills up much more slowly. Conversely, if the water flow is slow, then the pipe fills up quickly, respectively, more water remains in the pipe than flows out.
At first glance, it may seem that everything is simple and easy. However, if a small slope angle is mistakenly allowed, stagnation can quickly develop. As a result, gravity will be almost impossible, this will lead to the fact that fat and other particles have time to adhere to the pipe surface, respectively, the blockage cannot be avoided. A steep slope is also fraught with consequences, as mentioned above.
Based on this, we can conclude that the correct slope of the sewer pipe will be in the case when all water suspensions, both light and heavy, are constantly in motion.
For some, the calculation of the slope may seem difficult, and all because in reference publications the slope rate is indicated in the form of fractions 0.04 or 0.008. If you are used to navigating by degrees, then these numbers may not be clear at all. In fact, everything is simple. The fraction is the ratio of the value of the drop in the pipe to the length of the pipe. If the entire length of the pipe in meters is multiplied by the slope value, then the result is the height of the entire slope for the entire duration of the route.