How to sell cryptocurrency and withdraw your earnings.
1. Transferring USDC to the exchange.
1.1 Get the wallet address of the exchange by pressing the " Deposit " button in the USDC row.
1.3 Don't forget to select SOL Chain Type.
1.2 Transfer earned USDC to the exchange.
2. (Optional) USDC is best to convert to USDT.
2.1 Trade -> USDC/USDT.
We only need the buy/sell window on the right-hand side.
2.2 Select "Sell".
2.3 Select "Market".
2.4 Specify the sale size and click "Sell USDC".
3. Transfer the USDT coins received from "Spot" to the "Funding" account.
4. Go to "Buy Cryptocurrency" in the P2P section or follow the link.
Be sure to look at the Tutorial if this is your first time here.
Let's take a look at P2P trading window.
- Buy or sell cryptocurrency. In our case "Sell".
- Which coin we want to sell - USDT. There is also USDC to choose from, but the amount of offers is much smaller.
- How much do we want to sell. Each of the P2P orders has limits.
- What is your preferred method of payment?
Choose a seller and click "Sell USDT". It is better to choose people who are online and have a high percentage of completed transactions.
A window will open, where you enter the amount, the payment method (if there is none, add your card) and click "Sell". The seller will send the money to your card.
It is important to go to the bank app and make sure that the funds have arrived in full and then confirm receipt on the exchange.