Earnings on today's algorithm
You can't withdraw more than 10,000 rupees per day, because your account will be blocked.
👀 Read and repeat each step carefully:
❗️Step 1. Register on the casino website: 👉🏽 http://purecasino.4forindia.com/ 👈🏽
If you already have an account on this site, you must register a new account using this link: 👉🏽 http://purecasino.4forindia.com/ 👈🏽
👆🏼Do your full registration, your data not gonna leak anywhere. Casino need that information to understand that you’re not a bot, but real human being.
❗️Step 2. After registration, you make a deposit 1420-1650 Rupees.
⛔️If you make a deposit less than the specified amount, the algorithm will not work!
❗️Step 3. go to ABSOLUTELY any game and make several bets for an amount of at least 400₹. That is:
Bets must be at least 30
The total amount spent on warming up should not be less than 400₹. You do not need to lose 400₹, you need to make at least 30 bets for a total of at least 400₹. That is, after 30 bets for a total of 400₹, you can be both in positive and negative. After that, you can proceed to using the winning algorithm
Because of this, the automatic protection of the casino will not pay any attention to you when you earn according to my algorithm.
❗️Step 4. Then go to the game «Playboy Fortunes».
❗️Step 5 - Do everything strictly according to the instructions below 👇👇
🕹 BET 20 | 8 times
🕹 BET 100 | 1 times
🕹 BET 10 | 14 times
🕹 BET 20 | 3 times
🕹 BET 50 | 2 times
🕹 BET 100 | 1 times
🕹 After this algorithm, the casino security system crashes and you are credited with a balance in the amount of 30,000 to 55,000₹✅
Prize: from 30.000₹ for one use of the algorithm
You send 30% of the winnings to me, the rest 70% yours💰️
❗️ For all questions, please contact directly - https://www.instagram.com/in_richimran/