Infinite 6/13/22
Hey Guys! We decided to use another program for Patchnotes this time around because it's not JUST patchnotes, but some other cool stuff for the server!
Patchnotes v6.13.2.2
Game Roles
We have added some new self roles! These self roles are for pings, so that we don't have to ping EVERYONE for something you might not be involved in. We have added-
These roles can be selected in the #roles channel.
For a while mee6 has been a bit of a useless bot. And until recently it's sole use was for leveling/server activity. However since we added ActivityRank, which has much more freedom in it's leveling, we have removed mee6.
Additionally, we have made leveling slightly easier.
Clan Tag
Nekki/Banzai's assault on clan tags has been a thing for almost half a year now, and because of this our Clan tag required a complete change. Our current clan tag we wanted it to be as sleek as possible, to not interfere with your name but also look good on everything. However that's impossible now, so we have completely changed it!
NOTE- If you have any previous version of the tag, it's not mandatory to change! You can keep it!
Q and A
About a month ago for our 1 year anniversary, we made a QnA post where people could ask questions! We'll Answer them now.
Why did you guys create Infinite?
The year was 2021- the SFA community was a lot more tight knit, yet NA players were scattered and were hard to find. At this time there were no NA clans and it didn't help that not many NA played the game. Tai set out to make a community where NA's could fight and have fun! As time progressed we set our horizons on other regions, but our core values have been the same.
What happened to tournaments? When is the next one?
Additionally one of the things we wanted to do when we started out was to host biweekly tournaments, where we could fight for fun. This trend continued for around half a year, until many got busy with school or other priorities. Tournaments are fun, but oftentimes we don't have time to manage or play in them.
In our last one with Hammer, we tried a new system where you just had to play a game every few days. While the hype might've been less, many more people played and we would be up to do it again! Maybe soon, who knows...
Can I be mod?
In soon time Satan. In soon time.
As SFA is dying, what will you guys do?
Honestly SFA is getting back on it's feet but even if there's some more Nekki games coming out such as Spine, Shadow Fight Legendary Arena (whatever that will be) and SF5. Or the SF3 raids! We'll try something to keep the SF community in our server strong.