October 30, 2019

Direct Instagram messages

Instagram, the favorite app for video and photo enthusiasts, adds a new feature to its direct messaging service: voice memos . That way, users can send audios of up to one minute in messages to everyone to their friends on the platform for how to view private instagram profiles secretly in 2019.

So you can send audios in direct Instagram messages

As Andro4all unveiled a couple of months ago , Facebook - the app's parent company - has just introduced on Instagram the voice notes, walkie-talkie style , so that the users of the platform can send audios to each other through of direct messages .

For this, the developers included a new button in the interface (in the form of a microphone) next to the options already available in Direct , so that a user can press the button and record a voice memo of up to a minute in duration , as highlighted by TechCrunch .

That way, audios appear in the conversation permanently and can be heard at all times. Also, the publication emphasizes that this function could be very well received by those countries whose language is not sufficiently compatible with the keyboards of today's smartphones .

The truth is that, with the incorporation of this new function, Instagram continues to add new features to Direct , its direct messages section, and remains in tune with the complete redesign that is expected to reach the interface .

Is this the right way? TechCrunch highlights that drivers and those who want to communicate without having to use instant messaging apps that demand a lot of data from the Internet will be more than benefited by this new feature .

Finally, the debate that opens is to know if the inclusion of voice memos and video calls on Instagram pose a Facebook strategy for incorporating Instagram with a lot of weight in its recently launched Smart Portal screen . It will be a matter of waiting. Meanwhile, the new feature is already available with the new application update.