September 9

#PREMIERE "Тема Волшебного Леса (Часть 1)" Frunk29

Listen to "Тема Волшебного Леса (Часть 1)" by Frunk29 taken from "Сказки Леса" (Skazki Lesa) out on 13th September via Fuselab

Marat Shainsky aka Frunk29, returns with a new 7-track psychedelic pop EP recorded with his daughter Karina. Over the past 10 years since the last release, Marat has developed and changed his sound having released music on labels such as Jungle Gym and Not Not Fun.

Frunk29 said: “Really love the way my Docha sings and I've been wanting to do some material with her for a long time. Watching her grow up, I remembered myself at that age, a time of change, when every step seems important and every feeling is incredibly deep. Love, insecurity, vulnerability, uncertainty, sadness and joy, that's what I wanted to express. That's how, track by track, this album came together.”


Pre-order "С​к​а​з​к​и Л​е​с​а"

Frunk29: SC / BC

Fuselab: SC / BC / IG