May 30, 2023

How to Repost an Instagram Story in 2023?

Instagram users, you likely enjoy viewing the creative stories shared by friends, family, and brands you follow. However, did you know that you can easily repost those stories to share with your own followers? Reposting an Instagram story is a simple process that allows you to spread interesting and engaging content, giving the original creator credit for their work.

In just a few taps, you can repost a story on Instagram and become an influencer in your own right by curating and sharing the best content on the platform with your followers.

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Read on to learn the step-by-step process for reposting an Instagram story in 2023.

Why You Should Repost Instagram Stories

Reposting Instagram Stories is an effective way to increase engagement and reach new audiences. Here are a few reasons why reposting Stories is beneficial:

  • Gain New Followers. When you repost an Instagram Story, it appears on your profile for 24 hours and is seen by all of your followers. This exposure can lead to new followers for both you and the original poster.
  • Build Relationships. Reposting another user's Story shows them that you find their content interesting and valuable. This can help to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones with others in your industry or community.
  • Increase Traffic. If the Story you repost contains a link, reposting will drive more traffic to that link as your followers view and engage with the reposted Story. This is a simple way to support others and share useful resources with your audience.
  • Stay on Top of Trends. Reposting Stories from influencers and leaders in your industry helps ensure you are staying on top of the latest trends, news, and best practices. Your followers will appreciate you curating and sharing the most relevant content.
  • Provide Value to Followers. By reposting educational, entertaining, or inspiring Stories, you are providing value to your followers. Curating a mix of reposted and original content keeps your profile fresh and gives followers a reason to check back frequently.

In summary, reposting Instagram Stories is a strategic way to increase your visibility, build new relationships, drive traffic, stay trendy and provide value to your followers. When done thoughtfully and consistently, reposting Stories can have a big impact on your Instagram growth and success.

How to Repost Someone Else's Instagram Story in 2023?

To repost someone else's Instagram Story in 2023, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Story you want to repost. Open Instagram and tap on the profile photo of the user who posted the Story. This will open their Story.
  2. Tap on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the Story. This will open a menu. Select "Send to..." from the menu.
  3. Choose how you want to repost the Story. You have two options:
  4. Repost to Your Story: This will repost the exact Story to your own Story where your followers can view it. Select "Repost to Your Story" from the menu. The Story will be reposted to your Story and visible to your followers for 24 hours.
  5. Send as Direct Message: This will send the Story as a direct message to a friend or group of friends. Select "Send as Direct Message" and choose the friend or group you want to send it to. They will receive it as a message they can view for 24 hours.
  6. Add your own commentary (optional). When reposting Your Story, you have the option to add your own text, emoji, stickers, or drawings before posting. This allows you to provide your own commentary or reactions to the Story before your followers view it.
  7. Tap "Send" or "Your Story" to repost. The Story will be reposted to your Story or sent as a direct message to the friend(s) you selected. They will be able to view it for 24 hours.

By following these steps, you can easily repost an interesting Instagram Story from another user to share it with your own followers or send it to friends. Let others discover Stories they may have missed and keep the conversation going.

Using Instagram Story Repost Apps in 2023

In 2023, there are a few options for reposting Instagram Stories. Using a third-party app is currently the only way to repost someone else's Story to your own Story.

Here are a few of the top apps for reposting Instagram Stories:

Repost for Instagram

Repost for Instagram is a popular free app that lets you repost Stories from other Instagram users. To use it:

  1. Download the Repost for Instagram app and connect it to your Instagram account.
  2. Open the app and you'll see a feed of Stories from people you follow. Tap on a Story you want to repost.
  3. The app will ask if you want to repost the Story to your own Story. Tap 'Repost to my Story.'
  4. The Story will be added to your own Instagram Story, with credit given to the original poster.
  5. You can repost Stories from public Instagram accounts or accounts you follow.
  6. Reposted Stories will appear on your Story for 24 hours, just like regular Stories.
  7. The reposted Story will link back to the original poster's Instagram profile.

Story Reposter

Story Reposter is another option for reposting Instagram Stories. It works similarly to Repost for Instagram:

  1. Download the Story Reposter app and connect your Instagram account.
  2. Browse Stories from people you follow and tap to repost one.
  3. The app will repost the Story to your own Instagram Story with credit to the original account.
  4. Story Reposter is also free to use and available for iOS and Android.
  5. It provides an easy way to give exposure to other Instagram users by reposting their Stories.
  6. Be aware that some Instagram users may not want their content reposted, so check first if possible.

Using a third-party Instagram Story repost app is a simple way to share engaging content from other users with your own followers in 2023. Just be sure to follow all of Instagram's terms of use and respect content creators' ownership.

Giving Credit When Reposting Instagram Stories

When reposting someone else’s Instagram Story, it’s important to give them proper credit. Doing so establishes trust and transparency with your followers, and builds goodwill with the original creator.

Mention the Original Account

The simplest way to give credit is by mentioning the account that originally posted the Story in your own repost. Write something like “Story via @originalaccount” or “Reposted from @originalaccount.”

Be sure to actually tag the account by using their username preceded by the @ symbol.

Ask Permission First

If possible, send the original poster a direct message to ask for their permission to repost their Story. Explain why you want to share it and how you will credit them.

Most users will appreciate you taking the time to ask, and will likely grant you permission. Once they do, be sure to thank them in your repost caption.

Use Repost Apps

There are third-party apps like Repost for Instagram that allow you to properly repost someone else’s Story. These apps automatically tag the original account and creator in your report, making it easy to give full credit.

The original poster will also receive a notification that you have reposted their Story using the app.

Don’t Re-Edit or Re-Caption

When reposting another user’s Story, share it exactly as they posted it. Don’t make any edits to the actual content, captions, or tags. Only add your own caption with credit and a comment, if desired. Re-editing someone else’s Story or removing their captions and tags is unethical.

Giving proper credit when reposting other Instagram Stories builds good social media etiquette and trust between users.

Following these best practices will ensure the original creator receives full attribution for their work, and your followers understand the source of the content. It’s a simple thing that goes a long way.

Instagram Story Repost FAQs for 2023: Answered

What is an Instagram Story repost?

An Instagram Story repost allows you to share someone else's Story with your own followers. When you repost a Story, your followers will see the original poster’s username, photo, and caption.

Reposting Stories is a great way to give others exposure, engage with your followers, and share interesting content.

How do I repost an Instagram Story?

To repost an Instagram Story, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app and tap on the Story you want to repost. This will open the Story viewer.
  2. Tap on the three dots “...” icon in the top right corner of the screen. Select “Repost Story” from the menu.
  3. The Story will be added to your own Story, with the original poster tagged. Your followers can now view the reposted Story for the next 24 hours.

Can I repost Stories from private accounts?

No, you cannot repost Stories from private Instagram accounts. You can only repost Stories from public accounts or accounts that you follow.

Can I delete a reposted Story?

Yes, you can delete a reposted Story at any time. Simply open your Story, tap on the reposted Story, and select “Delete” or “Remove” to delete it.

The original poster's Story will remain up, but your repost of it will be removed.

Will my followers be notified if I delete a reposted Story?

No, your followers will not receive a notification if you delete a reposted Story. Once a Story expires after 24 hours, your followers will no longer be able to view it or see that you had reposted it.

Deleting a repost simply removes it from your current Story before the 24-hour expiration.