April 1, 2021

Female Infertility: Signs, Causes And Treatments

What is Infertility?

If you fail to conceive despite having unprotected sexual intercourse with your partner for over 12 months, you may be suffering from infertility. Infertility is most noticeable in women of older age. Hence, women with older age, for example, above 34, should see a gynaecologist after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts. Your gynaecologist would need to carry out a detailed examination to find the underlying cause of infertility and plan your treatment infertility treatment accordingly.

What Are The Common Causes of Female Infertility?

Malfunction of hormones has been one of the major causes of infertility in females. The second major cause of female infertility is the diseases of the fallopian tubes. Less common factors that cause infertility in females are genetic, psychogenic, and other types.

What Are the Symptoms of Infertility In Women?

Inability to conceive a child despite every possible effort is the biggest symptom of female infertility. In addition to that, here are a couple of more symptoms that signals infertility in women and they are as follows:

  • delayed menstruation
  • uterine bleeding
  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • painful periods
  • copious discharge from the genitals

If you have been experiencing one or more of the above-mentioned symptoms, know that it is time to schedule an appointment with the best infertility specialist in the city.

How Female Infertility Is Diagnosed?

Most probably, your gynecologist or infertility specialist would come up with a personalised examination program to diagnose and treat the condition of infertility. Generally, these examinations include:

  • Evaluation of ovulation
  • Evaluation of the ovarian reserve
  • Assessment of the state of the uterus
  • Evaluation of the patency of the fallopian tubes
  • Hormone screening
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy
  • Morphological examination
  • Infection screening

Treatment of Female Infertility

The treatment plan for female infertility is directly proportional to the underlying cause. So, with endocrine infertility, the ovaries are stimulated in order for the egg to mature and leave the follicle in the middle of the cycle. This promotes natural conception. If the cycles of ovarian stimulation were ineffective, then the use of methods of assisted reproduction is indicated.