October 5, 2020

How To Create A Meditative Space For Children?

Nowadays, many people are practicing meditation for physical and mental benefits. It is

not only crucial for adults but also important for children. Meditation is a healthy habit that every

child must adapt to maintain mental peace from a young age. But here the question arises can children do meditation in all places? The answer is NO.

image credit :calmsage.com

Meditation requires some space and arrangements to give its maximum outcome, especially for children. Here are given some practical ways to make a suitable space for your children to meditate in a better way.

First Know The Purpose Of Your Space

Before creating a space for meditation, you should know for what purpose you are meditating

and teaching your children about meditation. Knowing the purpose is a very important part because it will make you understand the reason for mindfulness. It will also become easy to create a suitable meditation space for you and your children. Depending on your purpose, you will understand what things you will need and where that space should be.

Finding A Space

However, meditation does not require an entire room or floor, a simple corner is sufficient. Depending upon your object of meditation, you can choose a space in your house to meditate. When it comes to your children, you have to decide whether you will do meditation separately or

combined. For sharing a space with your children, start choosing a capacious space so that

everyone should be comfortable. Coming to the point, how should be a space perfect for

meditation. Your meditative space should be calm, and there should not be any disturbance.

You can also use your garden or backyard for meditation.

Decorate Your Space

According to the purpose of meditation, you should add some images and things that will suit

your space. It is wise to decorate your space to eliminate the things that distract you while doing

meditation. In general, your space should contain an image with positive affirmations. You can

also add a statue that will inspire and develop a belief in mindfulness. For a

sense of softness and comfort, you can also add a carpet and cushions. You should not

decorate your room with unnecessary items. Add those things that make you calm and serene.

Supply Your Space With Elements

Apart from your calm body and pure air, you do not need anything else to meditate. But you always need a suitable environment that will help you to extract maximum benefits from meditation. Add those items which will help you to focus more efficiently on your breathing pattern. You can also add some pillows and singing bowls. Your space should have a supply of fresh air. For this, you can keep your windows open.

Make Your Space Sanctified

Making your place of meditation does not mean you to be sacred. Making it a saintly space

means you should get positive beliefs and vibes while entering. Meditation will make your mind

calm and still so as your space should be. You should always see this place as a space which

provides you calmness and helps you to find yourself. This belief makes it sacred. For this, you

can use some incense sticks to get a soothing smell.

Make You Space Visible

Some people prefer to meditate in private space, but in general, it should be visible to you and

your children. This thing builds self-confidence in you and eliminates the shyness. One other

purpose of making your space visible is it reflects your character and behavior.

Final Words

Everyone knows the benefits of meditation. But they generally don’t practice it because of a lack of interest. Meditation is the best thing you can do with your children. So creating a space for meditation is very essential to develop interest. Many people do practice and discontinue it

because they don’t have a proper place for the same. So to make yourself and your children

mentally and physically healthy, you can use these ideas to create a blissful space for
