March 7
Typescript IT_House
1-dars | Typescript nima?
2-dars Typescript types
3-dars Loops
4-dars Types functions
5-dars Array types || Tuples
- Two type of array syntax
- Array vs Tuple
- Accessing Array Elements
- Array narrowing
- Array Loops
- Array with objects
6-dars Union types
7-dars Interfaces types
8-dars classes types
- Creating classes
- Creating Instance objects
- Accessing Attributes and Functions
- Class Inheritance
- Classes and Interfaces
9 - dars | Enum
— What is Enum?
— Numeric / string / heterogeneous Enums
— Const Enum and Pitfals
10 - dars | any, unknown, never
— What is any type?
— what is the unknown type?
— what is the never type?