September 11, 2023

Who owns knowledge?

If a person wants to acquire new knowledge, they will try to find the source of it. Therefore, answering this question can help people gain various knowledge. Personally, at first, I thought of people as a general concept. Every person has their own worldview. Thus, everybody can bring a piece of knowledge to a major knowledge map.

Despite my first thoughts, I decided to choose something material. And maybe it sounds trivial, but I picked books. To be honest, I do not use books a lot. The majority of educational materials in my school are digital, so I do not have to use textbooks. Even though I prefer books to e-books, There is something special about page-turning.

But what about knowledge? Books hold plenty of knowledge. Before the innovation of the Internet, people used books very often because it was almost the only way to discover new information. I want to put an accent on the fact that books have not died out even now. Additionally, books are a great way to learn about different opinions without direct communication. Books are written by people, so they can express their point of view on different aspects of them. Thus, reading books can show people a variety of worldviews.

So I suggest you not underestimate the value of books.