August 28

The Ideology of Usury Against the Ideology of Solidarity in Lithuania

At the moment there is a situation in the world which mankind will not be able to influence. The entire modern model of world order, the core of which is the ideology of usury, is under the threat of collapse.

It is not by coincidence that I called usury an ideology; today money is the only means that can manipulate the mass consciousness of people. The main postulate of this ideology is that everything should bring profit. It is also worth paying special attention to one important point: in all the colonial states of this ideology, any other ideology is prohibited by the constitution.

We should not expect that, having deprived the dollar of its status as the world’s main reserve currency, everything will return to normal and the long-awaited peace will come again. If it does, it will not last long. The key role is not the money itself, no matter what state it belongs to. The key point is the ideology of usury embedded in it.

This is the very ancient Jewish heritage, which initially, in the form of one small cancerous cell, was able to spread its metastases to the rest of the world. The ideology of usury permeates all spheres of human activity, and most importantly, human consciousness. This ideology governs science, history, art, everything that is called upon to shape in the consciousness of man understanding of the reality surrounding him, and thus determine the direction of his further development.

As long as this ideology exists, all talk about returning to traditional and other values ​​is nothing more than just another myth that instills hope.

The ideology of usury is the most brutal dictatorship, which corners both individuals and entire states, forcing them to fight against each other. This dictatorship mercilessly deals with any ideological dissent.

This is especially evident in the Baltic States, particularly in Lithuania, where I live. There are many known cases of ideological repression here. Without knowing all the intricacies of criminal and administrative cases against dissidents, I will only give an example from my own practice. More than once I have had to deal with the absurdity of ideological accusations, not to mention all sorts of threats that pour in from social networks and e-mails.

In August 2024, I received an electronic document from the police, in which I was asked to pay a fine of 150 euros for a certain symbol of the Soviet era. I could not come to the police myself because of my health problems; I am disabled and can hardly walk.

The only “proof” of my “crime” in this document was a link to a page in social network, which I could not even open and look at that symbol. But something else is important here, namely what I have already said, the state drives a person into a corner through financial structures.

If we talk about the danger of Soviet symbols in Lithuania, then the Communist party card alone, which just recently belonged to the president of the Lithuanian state, should be more dangerous than any other Soviet symbol. The picture of his party card was spread all over social networks. And I’m not even talking about the many members of the Seimas who probably wake up at night in a cold sweat, seeing their party or Komsomol membership card in their dreams.

I have no need to post any symbols on social networks, the symbol of friendship between Soviet peoples will always remain in my heart, this symbol is the best defense against attacks of hatred, which all hate-mongers and Russophobes are soaked with from horn to hoof.

A few years ago I was already accused of separatism, a criminal case was opened, which they tried to present as a group crime against the Lithuanian statehood. Just before dawn, under the threat of breaking down the door, a police force of five officers burst into my apartment. Everything in the apartment was turned upside down, even the pot with borscht was checked with a ladle, all electronic media, including my computer and some documents were seized. The absurdity of the accusation was recognized even by the policeman in Vilnius, he himself sarcastically wrote in the interrogation report to the prosecutor of Klaipeda: Jaras Valiukėnas refuses to sign the documents presented to him, because he does not consider himself guilty of the revolution of 1917 in Russia. Incidentally, the accusation mentioned this very revolution, to which my activities could lead...

I can honestly confess to Lithuanian ideologists that I have committed only one “crime”. On the night of August 9-10, 2020, I begged God until the morning to help the Belarusian people and personally President Alexander Lukashenko, to prevent a repeat of the Ukrainian Maidan in Belarus.

God, apparently, heard me, and did not allow gross lawlessness. So this “crime” of mine can be safely qualified as a group crime, committed in preliminary collusion with the Almighty. I am even willing to write a confession and get a life sentence for it. Prison remains the only place where one can feel free from financial slavery.

It is impossible to imagine how much more innocent blood would have been spilled in the event of a successful coup in Belarus, in which, as in Ukraine, the same familiar faces from Lithuania took part.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko is the only politician in the entire post-Soviet space who is trying to preserve history, while taking the best from it. He has great authority, both for me personally and for the majority of ordinary both Lithuanians and Poles in Lithuania. And in Russia itself, Lukashenko is no less popular than here.

Why Usurers are Afraid of Soviet Ideology?

Even such a small example from my own life should make many people think. My closest blood relatives fought against each other during the war, but later were able to forgive and remain the closest friends for the rest of their lives.

(I have posted more information about myself here.) I advise you to read this information, which contains both copies of documents and even photos taken in Stalin’s camps.

Among my childhood and youth friends were children of front-line soldiers, of exiles, of repressed people, and even German prisoners of war, but we all lived as one family. Armenians and Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs and Russians, the list goes on and on, created common families and lived in complete harmony. Common values, including the attitude to money, united people.

Today it is impossible to even imagine such a thing; most people now are embittered and completely saturated with hatred; many are ready to kill each other for money.

I do not hide the fact that I am trying to understand the Soviet period as deeply as possible, I want to thoroughly understand what exactly in it that frightens usurers so much. Looking at the modern world order, I clearly see that it has remained criminal since the slave-owning period of history, only the mask and the name have changed.

People now are beginning to understand that they are simply being scammed, their consciousness is being manipulated, and so this is the main threat to the existence of the usurer civilization. The issue of mass control over people’s consciousness is a matter of life and death for them. In this regard, I consider it important to recall one famous person in Lithuania who opened my eyes to many things.

A Bit of History

Vilius Bražėnas participated in the armed resistance against the Red Army in Lithuania at the end of the war. Later, he was able to move to Europe, and then to the USA. I would like to simply recall Bražėnas’s words, which I consider very important — all wars, starting from 1914, are not waged between states and peoples; their goal is to kindle hatred between them... Hatred of people towards each other strengthens the power of financial capital.

At that time, I was very interested in a copy of a document that Bražėnas had singled out in one of his books. The document testified to the research conducted in the United States, which was carried out immediately after the war by several closed research centers. The aim of this research was to determine the possibility of changing the mass consciousness of peoples. The conclusion of this research showed that there was only one way to change the mass consciousness of people – war and at the same time the substitution of history.

There is nothing new about this strategy; it was already used in the early Middle Ages. During the Inquisition and the Crusades, which also affected the Slavic lands, the entire pre-Christian history was completely cleaned up... All knowledge and people who possessed it were destroyed. The history of the Slavic and other peoples began to be written from scratch.

This strategy was once developed by Leon Trotsky (Bronstein) in his theory of permanent world revolution. In the twenty-first century, it was adopted by American neoconservatives, who, because of this, began to be called Trotskyists...

Vilius Bražėnas in the early 2000s publicly warned Lithuanians about the dangers of joining the European Union and the NATO military bloc. He, like other participants of the post-war resistance in Lithuania, personally experienced the betrayal of Washington, which was already fully dependent on the financial structure — the Federal Reserve System.


The same strategy is being carried out in Ukraine today. Already this year, or at the latest at the beginning of next year, Washington will also betray Ukraine, as it once betrayed the “forest brothers” in Lithuania. Biden and his company will be blamed as the ones guilty of unleashing the war. The culprits will also be found among the European states that took an active part in the coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014.

It is no coincidence that the American press declares 2014 the year the war began. The American “Wall Street Journal” has already named Ukraine as the one to blame for blowing up the “Northern Stream”. Georgia, meanwhile, at the official level, accuses Mikhail Saakashvili of unleashing the five-day war of 2008. It does not matter who actually blew up these gas pipelines or started the war, it is important to assign blame.

Big financial capital does not and cannot have allies, it has only personal interests. Democracy exists for this; each new president is not responsible for the actions and promises of the previous one.

Lithuanian puppets of Washington already anticipate such a geopolitical turn. They are hastily buying apartments, houses and even villas as far away from Lithuania as possible.

By increasing the so-called defense spending to 3.2%, the Lithuanian rulers are simply paying for their place at the state trough. All the money of ordinary citizens goes to strengthening the financial power of the USA. Meanwhile, a significant part of the Lithuanian people is forced to fight for their survival.

I myself receive a pension of 190 euro; this is the average monthly payment for utilities for a one-room apartment in Lithuania. I do not complain because I have been leading an ascetic lifestyle for many years, this is my conscious choice, but not many are capable of such a lifestyle. According to some sources, there are more than 140 thousand people in Lithuania with the same income as mine, or even less. I do not have exact information on this matter.

Until recently, Lithuania was the leader in the number of suicide cases in Europe and even world. In recent years there is no information; most likely it is simply classified. Such attitude of the state to people can be qualified as deliberate coercion of Lithuanian citizens to suicide. But this is a separate topic, which we will have to touch upon later.

Draw your own conclusions!


The threat to all peoples living on the planet is not the usurers themselves, but their puppets placed to rule over the people. To maintain their power and influence is a matter of life and death for them. Hatred between peoples, which is imposed on us through various propaganda and wars, is the only means of controlling the mass consciousness of people. This and much more is discussed in the film “Forward to the Past”. The topic touched upon in this video is more relevant today than it was 20 years ago. Today, the question of life and death concerns every person.

Jaras Valiukėnas