October 8, 2024


На русском


Much of what is happening in the world today is so obvious that one can't help but wonder about the ability of most modern people to recognize and respond appropriately to various challenges.

Our planet is changing as fast as people are changing. In recent years, the changes have been so rapid that it is impossible not to notice them. Scientists believe that the consequences will soon be fatal for the entire world community. Mankind is not ready to face the new challenges of nature. At the same time, the degradation of man himself is accelerating: national, religious and social contradictions in society are growing like a snowball. This applies to all spheres of human activity, including politics, economy and social sphere.

Unlike political scientists and economists, I analyze all the processes taking place in the world and connect them with the laws of nature and the inner world of man. Everything in nature is interconnected, when we change, the world around us changes. The reason for the decline of modern civilization, I see in the violation by man of certain laws of development, which I can only guess. In our physical organism, such violations usually cause various diseases, including such a disease as cancer.

What is cancer?

It is necessary to clarify at once, cancer cells are present in any organism, a healthy human immune system can easily cope with this threat. The main condition for the appearance of a cancerous tumor, is a weakening of the body's immune defenses. What makes malignant cancer cells different from healthy cells? The fact that they consume unlimited amounts of proteins, glucose and other substances? They consume all the nutrients that all cells in the body need. Malignant cells devour everything in their path. They completely lose control of their actions, to put it simply, they go crazy. They destroy the whole organism and die themselves.

According to the international organization "Oxfam", only 1% of the richest people in the world have a fortune that exceeds the fortune of the rest of the world's population. This is the greatest malignancy that has arisen in the history of civilization.

In my mind's eye, modern civilization resembles a sinking ship. The most insatiable and fearful passengers panic and buy cabins on the higher levels of the sinking ship. Under the influence of their animal instincts, they frantically get rid of the extra passengers and their possessions. Their only thought is to lighten the ship and stay afloat as long as possible. By inciting enmity and hatred among the passengers of the lower classes, they pursue a single goal: to make them destroy each other.

Many people know on a subconscious level the inevitability of the coming tragedy, but are afraid to speak out. I assure everyone, there is no way to sit on the sidelines, we are in the same ship. Anyone who is afraid to go to jail for speaking the truth is already in jail, and most likely has never left it.

The worst crimes in history are the result of human indifference. Anyone who tries to ignore these crimes unknowingly becomes an accomplice. We should also not forget the most important thing: "The line between good and evil is very thin, as thin as the line between love and hate. When fighting evil and injustice, it is very important not to cross this line. When the line of evil is crossed, the best intentions inevitably become evil themselves.

The manipulation of human consciousness and the total lies of liberal propagandists seek to make lies in the minds of people to be true and evil to be good.

Today, the entire "civilized" world is drowning in an ocean of lies. The concentration of truth for the total volume of lies is rapidly decreasing everywhere. If in Lithuania only a quarter of a teaspoon of truth is needed for a bucket of lies, in some places the proportion of truth can still reach a whole teaspoon. In some places it is completely absent. The blinded consumer likes sweet lies better, most of them simply do not want to hear the truth and notice reality. Only a few begin to see when the trouble has already touched them personally. Even then, some continue to blame everyone but themselves.

Only those who are able to consciously manage themselves and think critically will be able to distinguish truth from lies.

A particular danger for man is the complete loss of control over himself. Eastern philosophy says that there are five basic vices in man that contribute to self-destruction: stupidity, greed, passion, anger, and pride. When they take over, man begins to behave like a reptile.

These conclusions are supported by my personal observations. There was a time when I listened to the statements of some Lithuanian politicians, but after 2004 I stopped listening to them. I began to doubt in my mind that they were human beings. Anger and hatred towards their historical past, their neighbors and many other things were disgusting. The blind worship of the new master, who was far away across the ocean, directly indicated that war would be inevitable in the near future.

I am not saying that there are no normal-thinking politicians in Lithuania, of course there are. As a rule, these people are under heavy pressure of false liberal propaganda. Independent people representing politics are a threat to the cancerous tumor that has afflicted the Lithuanian state.

Divide and conquer

Pay attention to this ancient Egyptian fresco, which according to some sources is about 4 thousand years old. Even if it is a fake, it is of very high quality and reflects the essence of our system. In my opinion, it reflects the principle of human consciousness control. The information is presented in the form of "fairy tale characters".

In my opinion, this mural represents the essence of the triune human brain. The concept of the triune brain has long been considered mainstream. Only recently has this theory begun to be refuted in scientific circles. The early theory was that the human brain contains the part inherited from reptiles. This part is responsible for basic survival instincts, which are the same in humans and animals. This is confirmed by Eastern philosophy, an excerpt of which I have highlighted in this publication.

An ancient Egyptian fresco, the upper part of which depicts two reptiles, warns us of the danger of instincts dominating human consciousness. It shows the process of human enslavement. The image also shows the danger of forming a reptilian, ideological or religious part in our consciousness. This part is represented in the form of priests who are controlled by reptiles. The priests rule the pharaohs, who are artificially divided and forced to fight among themselves, thus destroying the unified social consciousness represented in the lower part of the fresco. The ultimate meaning of this fresco speaks of the only way to govern people: divide and conquer.

Today this image is reflected in the tragic events in Ukraine. Think about it, there are no ideological contradictions between the parties to the conflict, the power of finance capital, the laws of the market and competition are not questioned by any of the opposing sides. Banks and big business continue to make huge financial profits from the blood and suffering of the people. Social inequality is growing at about the same rate for everyone. The problems of emigration and the disappearance of nation-states are also the same for all. I am not talking about the anti-Soviet position, which is officially held by all parties to the conflict, including Lithuania, Ukraine and Russia.

The bloody events in Ukraine are mistakenly considered a war between two Slavic peoples. In my opinion, this conflict, like the conflict between Israel and Palestine, is a trap. All the so-called civilized states have fallen into this trap. It is difficult to say who set this trap, I believe that this is the result of the unconscious actions of the person himself.

These conflicts will naturally push all the States involved in them to finally cross the line of what is acceptable. The degree of tension and hatred between nations will increase significantly, which in turn will significantly accelerate all negative processes in nature.

Let me remind you once again: it is not nature that is going crazy, man is going crazy, nature only reflects his inner world, affected by a malignant tumor.

Medical history

It is difficult to say when and where active cancer cells originated. There is no doubt only that Europe was one of the first to catch this infection, and later became an active conductor of this disease. Throughout the last centuries, European countries have freely dominated the world.

Using religious dogmas, European colonialists were able to legitimize slavery and the superiority of some people over others. Later, they managed to divide man and nature between themselves. People were forced to believe that only man has a soul, that only humans are the crown of divine creation. Everything else is soulless, and serves only to satisfy human needs. The most tragic consequences were brought by the separation of a person from himself. People's spiritual gazes were artificially directed to heaven. Guided by instincts, the priests placed God high in the sky, and the people themselves were declared slaves of God. From now on, any authority on earth had to be considered authority from God.

The consequences of all this were tragic, humanity, having accepted false values, plunged into the abyss of endless internecine wars. Wars have been going on for the last centuries, and they continue today, with even greater force. Cut off from nature, people stopped hearing the voice of Reason, they became blind. They have forgotten that God is inside man himself, he does not need to be sought in heaven. God does not need slaves, he needs Creators who are aware of themselves as one with the world around them and the Creator himself. Enslaved thinking is not able to give a person freedom and make him look like the Creator.

Slavery itself has not disappeared since that ancient time, it sometimes changed its mask and name, but the content has always remained the same. The financial, digital and social slavery that a significant part of the population is in today is much scarier than what it was in ancient times. Modern slavery controls the consciousness of most people on the planet. Slavery and false values have stopped the evolutionary development of man. Modern science, completely denying everything that cannot be explained from the point of view of materialism, has finally driven humanity into a dead end. Many well-known scientists talk about this.

Cancer cells versus healthy ones

Lithuanian politicians are considered the fiercest defenders of the malignant tumor that has afflicted our civilization. The reason is that these "politicians" themselves are the most active part of it.

A cancerous tumor, having tried on the mantle of judges and prosecutors, began to actively pursue and judge healthy cells. These processes are considered legitimate in Lithuania and are not subject to discussion. This small but very aggressive part of society, unlike the thinking people in Lithuania, is no longer able to understand the obvious.

Even the most brutal dictatorship will no longer be able to stop the collapse of the system. This is a natural process in which nature will have the last word. A world that is built on false values, in which everything is bought and sold, will not be able to exist for long

The only correct social system is embedded inside a person, its reflection is our biological organism, the laws of nature.

The main principle of a healthy human cellular body says: "From each cell — according to abilities, to each cell — according to needs." This principle of solidarity terrifies cancer cells. With their hatred of healthy body cells, they only cover up their hatred of the Creator.

The principle embedded in our body by the Creator guarantees complete social equality in a healthy society, as well as a fair distribution of all material and spiritual benefits. The power of the Soviets at the cellular level is also a prerequisite for the development of a healthy body. All cells of our body are in constant contact with each other. In scientific circles, this connection is called cellular whispering. When this whispering stops, the development of the organism stops, slow degradation and death occur.

The ideology of communism was not invented by Karl Marx and even more so by Vladimir Lenin. The principle of communism is embedded in the nature of any biological organism, including the human one. There is nothing new in our world, everything new is well-forgotten old.

The cleansing process

In our history, cancer has destroyed both individual countries and entire empires more than once. Today, the disease has spread all over the planet, it has become global, and the ideology of usury is deeply rooted. This ideology is the very malignant tumor on the body of our entire civilization.

Droughts, floods, tropical rains and much more will help in every possible way to cleanse the body. Anyone who has passed through difficult trials in his life knows that only hunger and thirst can make a person open his eyes and realize reality.

According to the same principle, the purification of our biological body takes place. When all cells, including healthy and sick ones, stop receiving nutrition, a process called “autolysis” starts in the body. The cells of the body are forced to eat each other, and first of all, the weakest and sickest cells are used.

The process of self-purification and self-healing is inherent in us by nature. The strength of all healthy cells lies in their cohesion, only together can the overall immunity of the entire body be improved. Sick cells in the struggle for their existence will try with all their might to weaken the resistance of healthy cells, to prevent their unification. The power of a cancerous tumor lies in only one thing: divide and conquer.

Jaras Valiukenas

Full version of the article in Russian supplemented with video materials here https://teletype.in/@jaras59/o7i27hvToSO