How to raise a man's libido?
It has long been proven by scientists that some foods help increase libido and increase sexual activity. The main thing is not to overdo the amount, so as not to cause an allergic reaction.
Celery is one of the most common plants for human health. Many people drink freshly squeezed juice to improve erectile function. You can add celery to salads, soups and other dishes. Due to the high concentration of vitamins and minerals, the effect of this plant will be immediate.
Since ancient times, men used a huge amount of chicken eggs. The action of the protein is aimed specifically at sexual functions and the duration of sexual intercourse will be longer with regular use of eggs.
Honey has a strong tool for raising the tone of the whole body, and safely increases libido. Honey can be added to tea and cocktails.
One of the strongest foods are nuts. Always, for many decades, the potency was treated with nuts. High protein content, vitamins of Group C will charge a man for a long time. You can mix honey and nuts, it will be a double help to the body.
Regardless of what products are used to enhance sexual desire, the smell of a woman remains the main pathogen. Sex shops offer a huge selection of perfumes with pheromones that help attract the attention of men.