April 28, 2020

French-speaking Countries Around the World

French is a language that is spoken by more than 300 million people around the world. French is the official language of 29 countries and is a working language for NATO, the UN, the Council of Europe, and the Red Cross among many other organizations. In French, the overseas departments and territories of France are called the "Departements d'outre-mer".


Belgium is a European country north of France and south of Holland that speaks two languages: French and Flemish. The southern part of Belgium, Wallonia, speaks French while the north of Belgium, Flanders, speaks Flemish (Dutch). In Belgium, about 40% of the population speaks French as a native language while about 60% speak Flemish natively.


The small mountainous country of Switzerland speaks four languages: French, Swiss-German, Italian, and Romansch. While the largest percentage of Switzerland speaks Swiss-German as a first language, about 20% of Swiss citizens are native speakers of French. The French-speaking part of Switzerland is the western region bordering France. Overall Swiss French is very similar to the French spoken in France, with near-identical grammar but with differences in accent and vocabulary.

Quebec, Canada

French is Canada's second most spoken language. While both English and French are the official languages of Canada as a whole, French is the only official language of Quebec, a province that borders Newfoundland, New Brunswick, and Ontario. Almost all citizens of Quebec can speak French as either a first or second language, and translations of signs throughout the province are made in both English and French. The French spoken in Quebec is quite different from the French spoken in French, though the dialects are mutually intelligible.


French in the Caribbean

French is the official language of many Caribbean nations and territories, including Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin, and Saint Pierre. The French spoken in the Caribbean is actually a French creole that also includes influences from Carib and African languages.

French in Africa

French is widely spoken throughout the continent of Africa. French is one of the official languages of Magreb, the name for the French-speaking countries of North Africa: Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria. French is also the official language of many other African nations such as Mauritius, Gabon, Senegal, and Cote d'Ivoire among others. French is also the official language of Reunion and Mayotte, two overseas departments of France that are located off the coast of Madagascar.

French Polynesia

French Polynesia is an is an overseas country (pays d'outre-mer) of France. French Polynesia is divided into five administrative districts: the Marquesas Islands, the Leeward Islands, the Windward Islands, the Tuamotus and the Gambier Islands and the Austral Islands.

About the author: Joslyn Fresay is an essay editor and travel writer who adores all things, French. Although she has traveled and lived all over the globe, there's no place she loves living more than Paris. Joslyn is fluent in French and Spanish and is passionate about photography, cooking, and skiing.