October 24, 2022

10 Typical Burkina Faso Foods You Really Must Try

Burkina Faso is indeed one of the most interesting countries in the West African region to visit. Although known as a low-income country and a landlocked country, Burkina Faso is well worth a visit. In addition to visiting a number of tourist destinations, you are also obliged to try a series of unique Burkina Faso culinary delights that you certainly won't find in other areas. Well, if you are interested in visiting there, don't forget to taste the typical Burkina Faso food

1. Riz Gras

The first special food of Burkina Faso is Riz Gras. This one dish is the French term for nasi lemak.

Riz Gras is known as Burkina Paso's national dish which consists of white rice, tomato paste and various vegetables such as carrots, eggplant, chilies, onions and garlic boiled together with rice. As a side dish, this dish usually uses meat cooked by frying. Although this dish looks simple, but riz gras is a very perfect dish because it is rich in protein and carbohydrates.

2. Babenda

Babenda is also included in the list of typical Burkina Faso foods that you must try. Not inferior to Riz Gras, Babenda is also one of the dishes that is quite popular.

Babenda consists of a variety of vegetables such as mustard greens, kale, spinach or Swiss chard. Interestingly, this dish is added with fermented beans called dawadawa or soumbala which gives it a pungent taste similar to the taste of blue cheese. The soumbala is mashed together with smoked or dried fish to add protein to the dish.

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3. Ragout d’igname

The next Burkina Faso specialty is Ragout d'ignam. Rougout d'ignam is a sweet potato stew that is quite popular in most West African countries, especially in Burkina Faso.

The main ingredients for making Ragout d'ignam include sweet potatoes, ginger, shallots, garlic, bell peppers, carrots and tomatoes. This dish is indeed similar to a casserole and is usually only seasoned with salt and pepper. After the sweet potato becomes soft and the sauce thickens, the ragout d'ignam is ready to be consumed, especially when it is still warm.

4. To

To or commonly known as saghbo is a dough-based dish. This specialty dish consists of millet, corn or sorghum which is processed by stirring vigorously until it forms into a smooth paste.

To can be consumed with various stews and sauces made from meat or vegetables. For example, the okra sauce is made by boiling okra in water with salt and pepper as a condiment. To is never enjoyed alone, but will be accompanied by soup or sauce. Because of this delicacy, To is one of the most popular Burkina Faso dishes.

5. Fufu

The next Burkina Faso food is known as Fufu. Not only known in Burkina Faso, this dish is also popular in other African countries, such as Ghana, Nigeria and Liberia.

Fufu is a food made by mixing and mashing cassava with plantain flour with water to form a dough. In addition, this dough is also added with other flours, such as semolina or corn flour that has been mashed. Fufu is usually served with palm nut soup, peanut soup or other light soup. Not only that, fufu can also be enjoyed with a variety of snacks dipped in soup or sauce that accompanies it.

6. Meat Dishes

In Burkina Faso, meat is one of the most luxurious dishes. Even so, processed meat in this country is also mandatory for you to try. Maybe you will think that the meat in Burkina Faso is the same as the various processed meats that you can find here, but it's not the same.

The people of Burkina Faso usually consume a variety of meats such as lamb, goat, poultry, beef and fish. The meat is usually processed by roasting over an open fire. The meat is then marinated so that the taste is more pronounced. The processed spices themselves are quite diverse, some use Kan Kan, which is a mixture of spices made with cayenne pepper, peanut powder and bouillon. Then there are also those who add it with pepper sauce or chutney so that the seasoning is more pronounced.

7. Poulet Bicyclette

Poulet Bicyclette is one of Burkina Faso's specialties that is quite unique. This dish is also often referred to as bicycle chicken or bicycle chicken and is quite popular in Burkina Faso.

It is called that name because it started from a chicken seller who used to bring chickens in large quantities to be marketed by bicycle. But now they are mostly using motorcycles. As the name implies, Poulet Bicyclette is a dish that uses chicken as the main ingredient. This dish is fairly simple as it consists of tenderized chicken pieces by marinating them in lemon juice for 24 hours before finally grilling.

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8. Poulet Braise

This typical Burkina Faso dish also uses chicken as the basic ingredient, namely Poulet Braise or braised chicken. Poulet Braise is one of the typical African dishes that can be enjoyed with many things.

You can serve this Poulet Braise with rice and sauce or you can also serve it with fried bananas. Not only that, this poulet braise is also quite delicious if you enjoy it directly with spicy sauce or tomato sauce. Poulet Braise is prepared for several hours and cooked on the grill. You can easily find this dish not only in Burkina Faso, but also other countries in Africa.

9. Brochettes

Brochettes or also often referred to as Borasheht are also included in the list of typical Burkina Faso foods. In English, brochette is a skewer. This is in accordance with the form of this dish in the form of satay or skewered meat.

Brochettes can use a variety of meats, but the most common is lamb. Lamb chops are known to be very tender so they are very easy to enjoy. The lamb is marinated in a spicy sauce combined with cinnamon, garlic and vinegar, which is then grilled. You can feel the soft, savory lamb with a very distinctive grill aroma.

10. Sauce Gombo

The last Burkina Faso specialty is Sauce Gombo. Gombo is the African language of Okra. Sauce Gombo is a vegetable that is commonly used to add thickness to dishes.

Burkina Faso people and cooks in West Africa usually use this Gombo Sauce as an addition to soups and stews which are usually served with porridge made from cassava flour, millet or corn.

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