4 Relationships
Out of the silence creation comes forth.
Creativity cannot be sought, it emerges naturally when the seeker ceases.
The highest form of creativity is to live compassionately.
Everybody has the same poverty, and everybody has the same riches.
If you fear your poverty and try to cover it with riches, does it go away?
As ‘my’ poverty is also ‘your’ poverty, can we not share with each other?
Condemning others you are really condemning yourself.
When you divide against another you divide against yourself. Why? Because who he is you are too.
When you understand yourself the condemnation of yourself – and others – comes to an end.
When there is conflict on the inside, there will be conflict on the outside.
Whatever is inside will find a way to express itself.
You cannot heal another when you are divided against yourself.
When you see the truth of your relationships, you will see the truth of yourself.
Your relationships mirror the reality of your life.
How you relate to another depends on how you relate to yourself.
He who is dependent on others is a slave.
He who is independent of others is isolated.
He who understands, understands interdependence.
Why are you always trying to be someone else, somewhere else?
Do you never grow tired of this endless becoming?
Who should you be but who you are? where should you be but where you are?
Truth is obstructed by desire.
Desire is a psychological movement away from the moment, whereas truth resides only in the moment as it is lived.
Is not truth found in both pleasurable and painful states? and is not truth itself often painful?
To be filled with the fulness you must forget fulfilment.
The idea of fulfilment gives birth to desire.
Fulfilment is always a movement towards the future, and therefore a denial of the present.
However rich you are you will never be rich enough.
The wellspring of desire has this peculiar property – the more you drink from it the thirstier you become.
You cannot break this vicious circle by wanting it broken, for that is desire also.
When you see the whole thing clearly with all its implications, you never return to the well again.
When there is suffering do not try to escape from it, instead plunge right into it, and there you may find both peace and truth.
When you no longer hurt yourself, then you can let the pain that remains unfold its secrets.
If you are peaceful come what may, that is love, and is love will reveal the truth unto you
When you open yourself totally to the moment, then when it is passed it is finished with.